Some have asked...
/Some have asked why we are renting our home, so I thought I would address it on my blog. Heard a few concerns that perhaps we were making preparation to move away. We are not moving away! I hope that is good news for at least some of you. Smile. We are simply moving to a different home in Bowie and renting the one we live in now. If you are following the news much at all, you know that this is a big time buyers market. I recently heard that it was (arguably, I am sure) the best time in the history of the nation to buy real estate. We are getting in while the getting is cheap! Part of being a steward is making the wisest investment we can for the greatest return. The Lord has graciously entrusted Tricia and I with the resources to do this through a recent inheritance, and so we press on with gratitude to God in preparation for the future! I encourage you to remain faithful over all things that the Lord entrusts to your care!