The "Unmeasurables"

There are so many things in church ministry that cannot be measured by numbers and data. Those "unmeasurables" can sometimes leave you guessing and often a bit frustrated. Anytime we close out a calendar year, I am faced with the reality of the unmeasurables. Who grew spiritually? Who bought the vision? Who served one another more? Who loved one another more, etc.? These are among the many unmeasurables in ministry. Certainly, we will know by the fruit produced. But, I wouldn't recommend sitting around watching and waiting for the fruit grow. You might get a bit unmotivated. Remember, a watched pot never boils.

Here is why I share this...

It is so difficult to know whether people are tracking with and connecting with our new simplified purpose statement that I have been preaching on for the last few weeks. I see eyes that look engaged. I receive a note or comment here and there indicating commitment. That let's me know where 5-10 people are. And that's great! But, what about the other 300-400? Are they feeling it? This is another one of those unmeasurables that I am talking about! Will know in time. By fruit!

Lord, it is so incredibly important that we move in sync as a community at CCF! Unify us and rally us around the shared purpose of LOVING YOU and LOVING PEOPLE!!