What is the Church doing right?


Most of you probably know my story....one of a heart shifting away from traditional forms of cultural church for Christians and into a longing for something else...something new. The road for me has been a mix of obedience and rebellion. Apostolic discovery and critical skepticism. I haven't always been proud of the attitudes I've had, but I've also really worked at having more honor in my heart for the church. I don't want to be know for what I'm against. I want to be known by what I'm for. 

Last week I had coffee with an older Father in the faith. I shared my story and some of the ways I think the church is still not all that she should be. And he got it. He agreed. But then he asked me a question that is still working on me today. He asked me: 

What are we getting right? Where is the church winning?  

I answered him. But not without some effort and and a bit of digging and stretching. Truth is, I wasn't able to answer his question well. And it bothered me. I should be able to. Because there is much we are getting right. And I want to be able to draw those things to attention and to affirm them and celebrate them.  

So I committed to Rich that day...the next time we meet I'll answer this question again and I'll have much more to say. if you'll give me a shot, I'll do a better job next time. 

So, what do you think? What are we getting right?