E-Book (best of the best blog posts)

The folks at Exponential Network just gave the church world a huge gift. They sifted through thousands of blog posts from some great church leaders and compiled an e-book of the best of the best. The e-book contains articles authored by...

Ben Arment
Mark Batterson
Chris Elrod
Dave Ferguson
Mike Foster
Seth Godin
Craig Groeschel
Alan Hirsch
Scott Hodge
Michael Hyatt
Gary Lamb
Will Mancini
Tony Morgan
Perry Noble
Bob Roberts, Jr.
Ed Stetzer
Tim Stevens
Jud Wilhite

If you like to read about church or ministry, you ought to print and read this!! You can get your free PDF copy right here... Download Leadership-learnings.

What I appreciate in a friend

Friends have always played an important role in my life. Connecting with several friends this week have reminded me of the blessing that they are. Here are some of the things (most special to me) that I appreciate and look for in a friend:

  1. Fun! I want to and need to laugh, cut up and carry on with a friend. I feel like I have to be serious too often in my role. I need the therapy of good laughs with good friends. We even laugh at things we probably shouldn't. Oh well. I'll grow up one day.
  2. Real! Can say whatever about whatever. There is no untouchable territory. We do it in love, but we do it! The best friends that I have will say what they think without filters or fake.
  3. Integrity! Pastor or no Pastor, integrity matters to me. I will have friends that are who they say they are and do what they say they'll do. If there is no integrity, there is not trust and there will be no relationship worth working at.
  4. Have a pause and play button. For me, a friendship must be able to pick up where it left off. We may need to hit pause....and then hit play again in 18 months. (precisely what my buddy Tim and I just did this weekend). Contrary to some people's opinions, I do NOT believe that time apart MUST equal drift apart. A real friendship will be able to resume when you reconnect.
  5. Guilt Free. I cannot do friendships where unmet expectations lead to guilt. If I have to call you, do this or do that to avoid your guilt trip, we aint gonna be too tight for too long.
  6. Pure Motives. I do not appreciate people wanting to be my friend because of my position. You'd be surprised how many people want to be overly friendly just because I am a Pastor. I'll pass. I want you to be my friend because of my person, not my position.

There are more...but these are certainly some qualities at the top of the list for me.

What are a few qualities that you look for in a friend?

Valley Forge Memories

With each passing year, coming on the campus of Valley forge Christian College becomes more nostalgic. I made so many memories here!

  • God became real to me here.
  • My leadership took shape in innumerable ways here.
  • I grew in knowledge, wisdom, character and competence here.
  • Was trained to preach here.
  • Was mentored by great leaders here.
  • Got a degree from here.
  • Worked here!
  • Had my faith shaped in many memorable chapel experiences.
  • Formed lifelong friendships here.
  • Met the love of my life here!
The entrance to the college:

The room that I lived in and led as an RA from for 2 of my 4 years:

This was my floor (4 down) and this is what we called PPU (Ping Pong University...it's all we did):

God spoke to me many times in this room about my call...very special place to me:

This is where Tricia and I would sit and smooch when we were dating and hope not to get caught:

Staying Connected

Last year at CCF, we did a coinciding Small Group and sermon series entitled "Making Connections."  We certainly heard stories of how it helped people connect to God and others in new ways.  Well, this year, we are going to do a sequel of sorts and it will be entitled "Staying Connected."  

Starting Sunday, March 22nd we will preach and do Small group on "Staying Connected" to God and to others no matter what life delivers.  Stay tuned for more.  Pastor Nelson is hard at work completing this unique CCF series!
If you are not in a Small Group, why not let March 22nd serve as your goal by which to join one so that you will not miss this.

Drinking from a Fire Hydrant

Guys, I am doing some serious learning here!  I am drinking from a fire hydrant, though!  The class is about Missional ministry.  I do not know where to begin to tell you about it.  I will need to just let it set in and sift out.   Here are a few things I'd share:

  1. The list of books I want to read has grown like crazy this week.  My Professor who is also a Lead Pastor reads over 200 books a year!  So, every 3 minutes he is recommending another book that is a must read.  And I want to read them!  (Just let me know if you want to buy your Pastor a book or 2!!)
  2. I really like the prof in this class, David Crosby.  He is in his 30's and a really authentic, educated and gifted leader and he is IN the ministry (it's a noticeable difference to be taught by a practitioner than a professor).  He planted a church in the Poconos 6 years ago.  They are running 1,200 today.  Here is his blog....click here.  And here is the church website....click here.
  3. I was also VERY impressed with Herbert Cooper (click here for his blog) today.  We had a skype video interview with him and it rocked.  He is the Lead Pastor of the People's Church (click here for the church website) in Oklahoma.  Black Pastor, white wife, 4 kids, diverse church of over 2,000.  Cool place with similar vision to CCF.   Their vision is "Connecting people to God and to others."
  4. I've seen our good!  CCF is an incredible place!!  There have been many moments this week where I have seen how God has done amazing things at CCF!  I am not sure we even see the greatness of God in the light others would looking in from the outside.  Fish cannot tell you about water.
  5. I've seen our need for growth.  Man, do we ever still have some road to cover.  But, God will be with us....to the very end of the age. (Matt. 28:20)



The Job

As I am preparing to preach on $$$ these next 2 weeks, someone told me about this crazy video. This YouTube video has been getting a massive volume of hits. It sheds light on a very real thing that we are facing. Warning: if you are racially sensitive, you may not appreciate this video. Don't watch it. I think that it is telling and provokes me to think. In my estimation, it was worth posting here (instead of showing it in the service Sunday).

Juggling this week

This week is a bit of a juggling act for me.

  • Came up to Phoenixville, PA yesterday for a Master's Class.
  • Spent the night here with old college friends.
  • Leaving now (6:30am) to head back to CCF to do the funeral of Walter Young.
  • Tonight, I will spend the evening with my family.
  • Tomorrow morning I will travel back up to class.
  • I will be in class Wednesday-Friday.
  • Friday I will drive back home, pick up Tricia and Davis and we are headed back to a different part of PA near Harrisburg to visit some friends we have not seen in a long time.
  • Then, we'll see you at church Sunday, and things should get back to normal.

Anyway, you did not ask for the whole itinerary, but for those that follow me on Twitter and stuff, I though I would share about how I am juggling this week.


May Psalm 91 Speak to you Today

You who sit down in the High God's presence,
spend the night in Shaddai's shadow,
Say this: "God, you're my refuge.
I trust in you and I'm safe!"
That's right—he rescues you from hidden traps,
shields you from deadly hazards.
His huge outstretched arms protect you—
under them you're perfectly safe;
his arms fend off all harm.
Fear nothing—not wild wolves in the night,
not flying arrows in the day,
Not disease that prowls through the darkness,
not disaster that erupts at high noon.
Even though others succumb all around,
drop like flies right and left,
no harm will even graze you.
You'll stand untouched, watch it all from a distance,
watch the wicked turn into corpses.
Yes, because God's your refuge,
the High God your very own home,
Evil can't get close to you,
harm can't get through the door.
He ordered his angels
to guard you wherever you go.
If you stumble, they'll catch you;
their job is to keep you from falling.
You'll walk unharmed among lions and snakes,
and kick young lions and serpents from the path.

"If you'll hold on to me for dear life," says God,
"I'll get you out of any trouble.
I'll give you the best of care
if you'll only get to know and trust me.
Call me and I'll answer, be at your side in bad times;
I'll rescue you, then throw you a party.
I'll give you a long life,
give you a long drink of salvation!"

Psalm 91 (Message)

Celebrate This With Us

After doing some quick research and running some rough numbers with the staff over the last few weeks I am thrilled with 2 findings. I wanted to share them with you.

50% of our Sunday Morning Attendance is connected faithfully in a Small Group.

50% of our Sunday Morning Attendance is serving in a ministry somewhere.

This is great growth for us! This is up significantly from 2 years ago. This needs to be celebrated. It needs to be especially celebrated because it is direct realization of the vision! Will you thank God with me and pray for it to only get better…for the glory of God!

From this, we will be setting new goals and measuring next steps ahead as we love God, love people and live as disciples!

--Pastor Noah

Financial Fundamentals

Beginning a series this Sunday on finances. Thanks to my friend Ben, I now have a title and a graphic. Been working at these messages, have plenty of meat, but was lacking the packaging. So, tonight we roll it out.

Title: "Financial Fundamentals in Uncertain Economic Times"

Dates: Sunday, March 1 and Sunday, March 8 at CCF

I am sure that we are all going to learn and be challenged over the next Sundays.

Divine Hope

Off to visit a friend today. 3.5 hours up, a 3 hour visit and 3.5 hours back. Although this friend is in jail, he is special to me, we have story together, and I believe in him! That's why I make this trek. I try to go every 3-4 months. Cannot believe that it has been over 5 months since my last visit.

I wrote more about this in a previous post. You can read it here.

If I could share one core value with you this morning before I leave....

Keep believing in people and holding hope for people. God is not a God that gives up on you and me. He will be cheering when everyone else is jeering! Let's represent that quality of God's character in our relationships.

Who have you stopped believing in? How about asking God to restore to you divine hope?

"God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us." Galatians 3:20 (The Message)

Some Bullets before Bed

Just checking in with my faithful readers. Thought I would drop a few bullets on you before bed. Random stuff, but here we go:

  • I think that our new Executive Board is going to do a great job and serve the church well. We had a great first meeting with us all together tonight.
  • The Conference affirmed me for ordination yesterday and the Board did so tonight. Very honored and blessed and humbled. You will hear more about that later.
  • I am dealing with a list of pastoral care issues right now that's a mile long! It is a real wave. But, God is moving, He's faithful and He will sustain! I am praying for a word of peace from the Lord for us this Sunday.
  • My heart is so heavy for Lisa Savoy tonight. Pastor Nelson and I visited her today in ICU and we both knew that it may have been our last visit. So broken for her. (Read my earlier post about Lisa HERE.)
  • Still have a mother load of reading and writing to complete before Monday morning! I will make it. Probably should be doing noting but schoolwork, but....I'd rather blog. ;-)
  • Excited about this Sunday....Missions Sunday.....Pastor Nelson preaching......and CORN HOLE AFTER CHURCH!!
  • Then, March 1 and March 8 I will be doing a 2 week series on finances and what the Bible has to say about what is going on around us. You will not want to miss those messages. But, you may not like me when they are over. God is asking me to say some things that I am freaked out about. But, I will obey. There is no nice way to preach Haggai chapter 1. Oh boy!

Alright, enough rambling. Good night. I have another early morning tomorrow, so off to bed.
