5 Questions of the Kingdom

Here is an excerpt from my message this morning. Here are the 5 questions that I shared to cast light into the ways of the Kingdom of God. How different or similar is your thinking from this?

1. Where's your Trust?

The kingdom of the world trusts the power of the sword, while the kingdom of God trusts the power of the cross.

The kingdom of the world advances by exercising "power over," while the kingdom of God advance by exercising "power under."

2. How do you treat people?

The kingdom of the world seeks to control behavior, while the kingdom of God seeks to transform lives from the inside out.

Also, the kingdom of the world is rooted in preserving, if not advancing, one's self-interests and one's own will, while the kingdom of God is centered exclusively on carrying out God's will, even if this requires sacrificing one's own interests.

To experience the life of the kingdom of God, one has to die to self (Matt. 16:24; Mark 8:35; Luke 17:33; John 12:25; Gal. 2:19-20).

3. Where is your loyalty?

The kingdom of the world is intrinsically tribal in nature, and is heavily invested in defending, if not advancing, one's own people-group, one's nation, one's ethnicity, one's state, one's political agendas. That is why it is a kingdom characterized by perpetual conflict.

The KOG is intrinsically universal, for it is centered on simply loving as God loves. It is centered on people living for the sole purpose of replicating the love of Jesus Christ to all people at all times in all places without condition.

The kingdom-of God participant has by love transcended the tribal and nationalistic parameters of whatever version of the kingdom of the world they find themselves in.

4. How do you respond in conflict?

The kingdom of the world is intrinsically a tit-for-tat kingdom; it's motto is "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth."

In this fallen world, no version of the kingdom of the world can survive for long by loving its enemies and blessing those who persecute it: it carries the sword, not the cross.

But kingdom-of-God participants carry the cross, not the sword. We, thus, aren't ever to return evil with evil, violence with violence. We are rather to manifest the unique kingdom life of Christ by returning evil with good, turning the other cheek, going the second mile, loving, and praying for our enemies.

We are to respond to evil in a way that protects us from being defined by it and that exposes the evil as evil, thereby opening up the possibility that our "enemy" will be transformed. Far from seeking retaliation, we seek the well-being of our "enemy."

5. Who are you in battle with?

The kingdom of the world has earthly enemies and, thus, fights earthly battles; the kingdom of God, however, by definition has no earthly enemies, for its disciples are committed to loving "their enemies," thereby treating them as friends, their "neighbors."

There is a warfare the Kingdom of God is involved in, but it is "not against enemies of blood and flesh." It is rather "against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers of this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places" (Eph. 6:12)

Our battle is "not against flesh and blood," whether they are right wing or left wing, gay or straight, pro-choice or pro-life, liberal or conservative, democratic or communist, American or Iraqi. Our battle is against the "cosmic powers" that hold these people, and all people, in bondage. Whatever our own opinions about how the kingdom of the world should run, whatever political or ethical views we may happen to embrace, our one task as kingdom-of-God disciples is to fight for people, and the way we do it is by doing exactly what Jesus did. He defeated the cosmic powers of darkness by living a countercultural life characterized by outrageous love and by laying down his life for his enemies.

(Adapted from "The Myth of a Christian Nation" by Greg Boyd.)

Rick Warren's Twitter "Mistake"

When Rick Warren entered the Twitter/Facebook scene, he did so with commitment and intentionality. I wrote here about his philosophy on these things: Click here to read it.

Last evening, he posted this comment in a tweet/FB update:

I challenge any church in America to match the spiritual maturity, godliness & commitment of any 500 members of Saddleback.

After which the judgement began. Comment after comment has been made about this statement since last night. 345 on FB so far and many on Twitter. As I read the terribly judgmental comments that were made in response to Rick's statement, my heart broke. For him. And for many leaders. I connected to it deeply.

Over and over again, I observe people waiting and watching for leaders to do or say one thing wrong so they can pounce on them! Leaders are often criticized exponentially more harshly than others and offered practically no grace! Which is not only a denial of their humanity and need for Jesus, but is not even Biblical.

I have been the recipient of this type of thing plenty myself. You cannot have a bad day, make an off comment, vent an honest frustration or make a mistake without being harshly criticized. Look folks, whether Rick regrets or stands by his comment is beside the point. He is a sinner in need of a savior and he STILL makes and will keep making bad calls...as long as he shall live. The more love and grace we show leaders, the more like Jesus they will become. The criticism only drives (most) leaders toward rebellion, not change. It is just a reality of how most leaders are wired.

Here is my caution to those who read this: Be very careful if you find yourselves enjoying when leaders screw up. When you like and enjoy exaggerating their mistakes, it is probably a sign that you are looking to justify yours.
Offer the same love and grace to leaders as you would anyone...which would be exactly what Jesus would do!
I pray that Rick has a great day today as he responds to and fields this mess with a Jesus heart.
(Here is a picture of he and I in 2008. Great day of learning at NCC.)

Evernote...My New Favorite iPhone App!

I have a new favorite iPhone App! Evernote! I am not getting paid to say this, but I must give a big plug for the FREE software called Evernote. It totally rocks.

Evernote has taken my organization to a whole new level. It's a notes database that operates with cloud technology. It auto-syncs anytime you make any change anywhere!
Some of the stuff I store in Evernote now:
  • Sermon Notes and Sermon Ideas
  • Blog Concepts
  • Usernames and Passwords
  • Church Attendance
  • Meeting Agendas
  • Important pictures I want on the go
  • Travel schedule
  • Preaching Schedule
  • Budget Info
  • Jokes
  • Quotes (running list)
  • More....
There is an application for:
  • iPhone
  • iPad
  • Blackberry
  • Droid
  • Many other smartphones
  • And your computer
Or...you can access, create and update your stuff online at www.evernote.com.
It supports text notes, photos, voice memos, and soon to be more. It auto-organizes however you like. And you can search, tag, favorite (which are offline), and more.
Ok, so there is my plug. Get Evernote! Even if it is just on your computer or online.
Their tagline is true. Remember everything.

Weight Loss for Missions. Week 4 Results.

Four weeks ago today, I began a journey to lose weight before moving to South Africa. CLICK HERE to read about it.
I asked people to sponsor and support me in the journey. Well, here is the update for week 3.

This week I lost 2 more pounds for a total of 24 pounds in 4 weeks. I am happy with a 2 pound loss in light of the fact that I was away and on the go so much this week.
I am at 271 today. My goal is to be well into the 260's by next week!
Pledges increased again this week to a total of $53.30 a pound with several other exciting offers pending that I cannot share quite yet.
I am still looking for people who want to partner with me and sponsor me per pound for missions! Please email, FB, comment, call, or text if you can support me.
This public accountability thing is a huge help! Thank you for your support!

Our Nomadic 2010

Have you ever been through something in life where you are not sure whether to laugh or cry? Sometimes it's funny, sometimes it's not...and you just feel torn about whether to laugh or cry? Well, we have felt that way a few times this year.

We have been homeless since April 1 of this year. That's 4 months! And we have have 5 to go before we move overseas! That is a total of 9 months of nomadic living!

There are multiple intentional reasons that we decided to do this. You can read more of the rationale by CLICKING HERE.

The dictionary defines nomad "a member of a people having no permanent abode, and who travel from place to place to find fresh pasture for their livestock; a person who does not stay long in the same place; a wanderer." Sounds about right.

Since April we have lived at my Sister, Selah's home and now at the Okanya's home while they are in Africa. August 15, we move to my sister, Joeley's home. September we are overseas and need no home. October we are planning to stay with a dear friend in our church. November, we are traveling south to bid farewell to some close friends and family. December we will likely stay with my Sister, Harmony and eat all her Christmas cookies (oh, wait...we are losing weight, not gaining it).
In all of this, Tricia and I have realized that even after arriving in South Africa, we will remain in transition. We will likely be a family in transition for the next several years. So, we have accepted that we will not really be able to offer Davis environmental stability. As a result, it makes it all the more important that we offer him emotional stability, spiritual stability, and relational stability. Over the last few weeks, we have taught him to memorize this statement: "Home is where Mommy and Daddy are." If you ask him where home is, he will tell you.
We welcome your continued prayer...for the days that we laugh because this is crazy and for the days that we cry because this is hard!

How do you Carve an Elephant?

I recently heard this question asked: If you had a large concrete block, how would you carve an elephant out of it?

The answer: Chip away everything that doesn't look like an elephant.

This answer seems sarcastic, yet also simple, powerful and strangely encouraging.

The same approach and thinking can apply to the spiritual journey.

How do you sculpt and shape a believer?

Chip away everything that doesn't look like Jesus.

James 1 has some good stuff on this...be encouraged that your shaping is a process. The Potter is at work. Cooperate with him today.

Weight Loss for Missions. Week 3 Results.

Three weeks ago today, I began a journey to lose weight before moving to South Africa. CLICK HERE to read about it.
I asked people to sponsor and support me in the journey. Well, here is the update for week 3.

This week I lost 7 more pounds for a total of 22 pounds in 3 weeks. I am pretty excited about the results this week. I have averaged over a pound a day so far!
Pledges total $44.30 a pound with several other exciting offers pending that I cannot share quite yet.
I am still looking for people who want to partner with me and sponsor me per pound for missions! Please email, FB, comment, call, or text if you can support me.
The fact that you care and are watching holds me accountable and makes a difference. Thank you!!

Our Schedule...

There have been enough questions and enough confusion, that I thought I would just share some of the components of our schedule for the rest of the year for those who wish to know.

  • The rest of the month of August: In Maryland and totally connected at CCF.
  • September 3-25: Tricia, Davis and I fly to Shanghai China for a 2 week Missions Event. Then, to Cape Town, South Africa for an exploratory trip (picking Davis a school and meeting some All Nations staff--excited to spend some time with Floyd McClung- just confirmed).
  • September 26- October 4: In Maryland and at CCF.
  • October 5-9: Catalyst Conference in Atlanta, GA with 10 CCF leaders.
  • October 9-24: In Maryland at CCF.
Note: November and December will be spent traveling to see family, finalizing our last items before leaving and speaking at churches to raise support.
Another Note: We will be moving on or about January 12.
Dates to note:
  • Sunday, August 22: Our Vision Sunday where Tricia and I share and a fundraiser Lunch at Chevy's in Greenbelt to follow.
  • Sunday, October 17: Commissioning Sunday at CCF. Commissioning service at 10:30am. Commissioning Dinner at 5pm.
  • Sunday, October 24: Our last Sunday at CCF and a second Chevy's Fundraiser Lunch.

Infusion Conference Reflections

Yesterday, I posted that I would be attending an Infusion Conference this weekend. I did so last night and this morning with 5 others from CCF. The experience was helpful on many levels. My reflections are not all positive, but I have elected to share them anyway (although I realize the risk in sharing negatively online). Here are some of my responses to the event listed randomly. When I refer to the speakers, am referring to Frank Viola and Alan Levine. You may remember Frank Viola as the author of Pagan Christianity, which I posted several blogs on. Here goes:

  • The speakers are wounded and hurt by their past church experiences (as long as 25 years ago) and it comes out in their sharing very strongly. That saddened me for them.
  • This event felt (to me) like a platform for two men who are angry at organized church to share their frustration with a room full of people that feel the same. The bitterness I sensed in the room didn't feel God glorifying (and maybe I am no better for writing that here).
  • Their books are flying off the shelves because people are finding language for their frustration with church...but they are also finding excuses to drop out of church and feel justified in it. So, while I deeply appreciate someone like Frank writing the tough (even true) stuff that he does, it is being broadly misused (whether he likes it or not).
  • This experience seemed to confirm that "traditional house church" is not for me any more than "traditional institutional church" is. I really don't think that spending 6 years with the same 6 people cuts it...on many levels.
  • I am more convinced now than I have ever been that there are gifts, strengths and beauty in every color, taste, style and size of church....that are all needed in the body of Christ! Additionally, I think that we are nearing a time when we will discover some form of hybrid model of institutional/simple/house church that takes us to a new place and I am excited to be a part of finding and living it.
  • The final thing that this weekend showed me was this: For those of us that feel called to rethink, reimagine, and explore something new and different, the best thing that we can do is to keep a Jesus heart...gracious, humble, gentle, teachable, attuned to the Father and the Spirit! If we think we are better, we may end up bitter.
And what is the point of it all?
JESUS transforming people so they will worship and love him!
Welcome your comments and questions. There was so much more I could have said.

Infusion Event

I am about to head out to a conference called Infusion. It is tonight and tomorrow in Arlington, VA. The event is a two day conference centered around the missional/organic church stuff. A few authors whose work I have read and some cool leaders will be on tap. I am especially looking forward to hearing Frank Viola, Author of "Pagan Christianity" and "Reimagining Church." I will tweet my learnings and blog later about any rich highlights. We shall see...


Lengtheners & Strengtheners

While listening to Larry Kreider teach last week, he shared this idea...

Almost every leader in the church is either a lengthener or a strengthener.

Lengtheners are always thinking out, beyond, bigger, better and more. They are broadening and enlarging the Kingdom of God. Lengtheners are typically visionaries, apostles and evangelists. Quantity moves them. They appreciate quality, but their gift to the kingdom is typically quantity increase.

Strengtheners are focussed on deepening, growing with and improving what we have! They are intent on deepening and strengthening the Kingdom of God. The are paying attention to who is right in front of us, not who is yet to be reached. Strengtheners are typically teachers and pastors/shepherds. We actually mislabel "Pastors" all the time.

What do you think of this? Which one are you?

Weight Loss for Missions. Week 2 Results.

Two weeks ago I started a journey to lose weight before leaving for South Africa. CLICK HERE to read all about it.

I asked people to sponsor and support me in the journey. Well, here is the two week update.
This week I lost 3 more pounds for a total of 15 pounds in 2 weeks. I am a tad disappointed because of how hard I am working, but I know that I am on the right track.
Also, pledges and commitments have increased this week and are now totaling $44.30 a pound! Kids have even joined in at $0.05 and $0.25 a pound! So cool!
I am still looking for people who want to partner with me either because you love me, want me to lose weight, have a passion for mission, share in our call and vision, or any other reason under the sun. We have a budget to raise in the next 6 months, and this is one of the many ways we will do it.
Please email, FB, comment, call, or text if you can support me.
Thank you and love you!

Introducing the New CCF Director of Children's Ministry...

Last week we made the hire and Sunday we announced to the church that we have selected Charlie Benjamin as our next Director of Children's Ministry at CCF. We are thoroughly excited about this selection.

Charlie joins us with many years of faithful and stable commitment to her church and her ministry of teaching. She worshipped and Grace Brethren Church in Lanham for the last 16 years and served as a teacher at Berwyn Christian School for the last 9 years. She is married to Mike and they have two sons, James and David.
She will be replacing my lovely wife and overseeing Capi's Babies, Capi's Kids, Club 56, AWANA, VBS and every other thing that has to do with birth to 6th grade at CCF.
Several CCF Partners have known Charlie for many years and worked alongside her in ministry, making us all the more excited about inviting her onto the team! I believe that we are in for a real treat as she ministers among us.
Be sure to welcome her aboard and find ways to get to know Charlie and the Benjamin family. She will join the staff on August 15. Tricia's last day on Staff will be August 31.

Beware of the Migratory Flock

While hearing Larry Kreider teach yesterday, I was impacted by several things that he shared. I will be posting a few of them in some upcoming posts. This is one...

He introduced me to a term I had not heard before (but a problem that I am far too familiar with).
The Term: Migratory Flock!
The Definition: People that move/migrate from flock (church) to flock (church). When they arrive at your church, they tell you how terrible their last church was. Then, slowly, they will try to influence you to change your church to become what they want it to be. Then, give it about two years, and your church will become the "terrible church" they left! That is how they roll. That's the pattern of the migrating flock.
The best thing that you can do is to encourage them to "sense the Lord's leading to a different church" than yours. And stay the course on the vision God has given you.
Also, beware of the "local-church-flavor-of-the-month-seekers." There are plenty of folks that hop around to whatever is the current popular flavor. Remember, God is at work using all kinds of flavors!!

Preach, Preacher!

Preaching is an interesting calling. Still not sure I have ever preached. I think I teach...and then accidentally preach sometimes. Anyway...while, preparing to "talk" last Sunday, I had an epiphany.

It seems to me that preaching usually goes something like this: Read a text. Then talk and yell and persuade and joke and talk and share about your point(s). And hope people are blessed and pushed toward God. The end. It just SEEMS (and I am guilty too) that the text is the intro and the rest of the talking is the preaching.

As I have preached this series on Colossians this month, the Lord has been showing me that the Bible can preach!!! Without my help! I can read it and let it do it's thing by the Power of the Spirit. It felt good this week to just let the Bible preach instead of me.

After all, what Pastor could ever preach a single sermon on Sexual Immorality, Impurity, Lust, Evil Desires, Greed, Idolatry, Anger, Rage, Slander, Malicious Behavior, Dirty Language, Lying, Mercy, Kindness, Humility, Gentleness, Patience, Forgiveness, Love, and Peace. The Apostle Paul did on Sunday at CCF--Colossians 3!

Preach the word!

Weight Loss for Missions. Week 1 Results.

Last Tuesday I started a journey to lose weight before leaving for South Africa. CLICK HERE to read all about it.

I asked people to sponsor and support me in the journey. Today, I want to give a one week update.
I weighed in this morning and in this first week, I lost 12 pounds!
Also, since announcing this last week, I have received pledges totaling $33.30 a pound! Kids have even joined in at $0.05 and $0.25 a pound! So cool!
I am looking for people who want to partner with me either because you love me, want me to lose weight, have a passion for mission, share in our call and vision, or any other reason under the sun. We have a budget to raise in the next 6 months, and this is one of the many ways we will do it.
Please email, FB, comment, call, or text if you can support me.
Thank you and love you!

Monkey Town

A friend of mine and fellow board member is reading a book right now entitle "Evolving in Monkey Town." He sent me this summary/excerpt from the book this morning and it really, really, struck me as profound. I WILL be reading this book, but wanted to share just this section with you. It's too good to sit on.

"With the best of intentions, the generation before mine worked diligently to prepare their children to make an intelligent case for Christianity. We were constantly reminded of the superiority of our own worldview and the shortcomings of all the others. We learned that as Christians, we alone had access to absolute truth and could win any argument. The appropriate Bible verses were picked out for us, the opposing positions summarized for us, and the best responses articulated for us, so that we wouldn't have to struggle through two thousand years of theological deliberations and debates but could get right to the bottom line on the important stuff: the deity of Christ, the nature of the Trinity, the role and interpretation of Scripture, and the fundamentals of Christianity. As a result, many of us entered the world with both an unparalleled level of conviction and a crippling lack of curiosity. So ready with the answers, we didn't know what the questions were anymore. So prepared to defend the faith, we missed the thrill of discovering for ourselves. So convinced we had God right, it never occurred to us that we might be wrong. In short, we never learned to doubt."

Jeff Rosinski

I am asking prayer for the Rosinki & Treat families. A college friend of mine, Jeff died suddenly when he fell while hiking in the Rocky Mountains in CO. He leaves behind a wife with two small children and a world of people mourning his sudden loss. He was an Associate Pastor at his father's church in RI.


Here is the communique Dr. Meyer just sent to the Valley Forge Christian College employees and Board of Trustees.

Good afternoon, friends.

I am writing this afternoon to share with you the sad news of the home going of Jeff Rosinski, a VFCC alum. Anna, Jeff’s sister and a VFCC graduate of the class of 2009, called me last evening with the news. Jeff, along with his brother Greg , and two of Greg’s friends were in Colorado where they were climbing Long’s Peak. Greg and his friends decided not to continue up the mountain but Jeff went on alone. Evidently he made it to the top and as he was on his way down the accident happened. The person who found him reported very high winds on the mountain which may have contributed to his fall.

How our hearts and love and prayer support go out to his wife, Molly (also a VFCC alum) and their two small children (ages 1 and 3) as well as their entire family. Some of you know Molly’s twin brother, Brady Treat (also a VFCC alum) who is on staff at Glad Tidings AG, Reading, PA. A memorial service is being planned later in the week in Rhode Island where Jeff’s family lives. (Friday at 11am)

May God’s great grace minister to all of them and to all of us at this most difficult time.