Missionary Support Team Formed

Eastern Mennonite Missions (EMM) has blessed and impressed us over the last several months...far beyond our expectations. It is obvious that they pay major attention to ensuring that we are prepared to live out our call. We have been through loads of paperwork and process in the last months. They have cared deeply about each step.

One of the things that EMM requires is that we form a Missionary Support Team (MST). This is a group of people with an interest in and love for a missionary, and they serve as a vital link between the missionary, the supporting home community, and EMM. The MST leads and walks with us through the discerning, fund raising and sending process with EMM.

There were like 50-100 people that we would have loved to ask, but we were limited in our selection. Here is our team:

  1. Sadie- Chair
  2. June- Co Chair
  3. Ruth- Treasurer
  4. Barbara- Prayer Coordinator (leads prayer network)
  5. Lia- Child Advocate (always thinking of Davis)
  6. Abiola & Jaye- Church Communicators & Newsletter Managers
  7. Lacreshia- Small Group Representative
  8. Nelson- Pastoral Rep and CCF Missions Overseer
  9. Pam & Joe- Family Representatives
  10. Harmony- Sister, Family Rep and Fundraising Event Planner
  11. Tracy Wenzel- Friend
  12. Paul- Local Pastor and Strategic Connections
The idea with this group aligns with the Ecclesiastes 4 concept that a cord of 3 strands is not easily broken. Here are the strands in this missions sending:
1. The Missionary (Noah, Tricia and Davis)
2. EMM (Missions Organization)
3. CCF (Spiritual Community)

We will meet approximately 1-2 times per month from now until we leave for South Africa, then they will meet without us after we leave. This team has already been wildly supportive! Amazingly humbled by the love we feel.

Just wanted to share how we are being cared for...


I know. The title is a tad odd and maybe even controversial without an explanation.

Something happened to me on July 4 (Independence Day). God spoke to me as I prepared to lead our service that day. I realized something very deeply...
I do not want to be independent! Go read the definition of that word. Frankly, as a follower of Jesus, you would be hard pressed to make a case for independence in the Bible. But, our country, our society, our surroundings seem to be in grand favor of such an ideal. God's word neither says nor implies that God helps those who help themselves. I know what people mean (I think), but the very idea of me standing strong and alone without the need or influence of others is not what I call comforting! Not in the least.
In fact, I feel totally dependent on God and others. Actually, right now, Tricia and I feel more dependent on others than we have ever felt before.
We NEED Jesus!
We NEED community and people!
And I am not ashamed to admit it.
At the very least, we long to be interdependent! Definition: When two or more things are dependent on each other. Now, that is what I am talking about! Interdependence is not Christian welfare. It is the joining of forces to defend the faith and fight the good fight.
Aspiring to independence caused Satan's fall from heaven, Adam and Eve's sin in the garden and a myriad of other messes throughout the Scriptures and in the lives of people around us. Be careful when you wish for independence!
"Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken." -Eccles. 4:12

Weight Loss for Missions!!

Ok, here we go. This should be fun. Tonight, I am announcing a weight loss campaign that I am launching tomorrow!

I have been overweight most of my life. For the last 10-15 years I have kept between 275lbs-295lbs, up and down and up and down within that weight range. It is starting to matter to me more now than it used to. Preparing to go overseas just upped the ante again. I deal with some fear about weight being a hindrance in my calling. Enough about that...
Tomorrow I am launching out into a weight loss program and I want to include those of you that want to participate with me. As most of you know, we are also right now about to enter into a time of active fund raising for our missions assignment. So, I have decided to marry these two initiatives.
The Ask:
I am looking for people who will sponsor me a dollar amount per pound I lose and donate the money toward our calling.
I am welcoming people to do:
$1.00 per pound
$2.00 per pound
$5.00 per pound
$10.00 per pound
$50.00 per pound
$100.00 per pound
$1,000 per pound
...Or anything in between.
How to make your pledge...
  • Email me your pledge amount
  • Facebook Message me
  • Leave a comment here
  • Call me
  • Text me
Your pledge will will be forwarded to our Missionary Support Team (MST) and they will contact you with further details regarding your contribution.
We leave for South Africa exactly 6 months from today. I want to lose substantial weight in the next 6 months and this is a cool way to involve others while inspiring me to action.
Today, July 11, 2010 I weigh 295 pounds. (I will try to grab one of those "before pictures" tonight or tomorrow.)
Thank you in advance for your support. If not financially, please pray I lose weight!
PS- Tricia is joining me in the weight loss part, just not the putting-your-stuff-out-there part!

At CCF in the next 2 weeks

Just wanted to take a moment to outline again what you can be looking forward to at CCF for in the next 2 weeks...

This morning: Mission to Mission Drive (CCF is located and the intersection of 193 and MISSION Drive)!! Hand out free cold water and invite cards to traffic at the intersection in front of the church.

[Cancelled due to rain]

Tomorrow, Sunday, July 11th- Colossians Message 2 and Partnership/Baptism Sunday.

Also tomorrow, Sunday, July 11 from 12pm-2pm: On Mission to Mission Drive!! Hand out free cold water and invite cards in front of the church. Take 2.

Next Saturday, July 17 from 8:45am-12pm: On Mission to Mission Drive!! Hand out free cold water and invite cards in front of the church. Take 3.

Next Sunday, July 18th in Worship- Colossians Message 3

Also next Sunday, July 18 from 12am-2pm: On Mission to Mission Drive!! Hand out free cold water and invite cards in front of the church. Take 4.

Running Sunday evening, July 18 through Friday, July 23-- VBS EVERY NIGHT!!! Workers and prayer still needed!

Friday, July 23rd at 6:30pm- AWESOME closing event for VBS! For people of all ages. Let's pack the house!

Sunday, July 25th in Worship- Colossians Message 4

Hope you are planing to be in attendance at most of this!!!

Insecurity and Jesus...

So many of us struggle with insecurity. Some of us are impacted and even controlled by what others think of us. It is so sad and oftentimes decreases our abilities and capabilities--especially for God.

But you know, Jesus had a very STRONG sense of SELF.

He KNEW that he was loved unconditionally by the Father (Mark 1:11).

He KNEW what he believed--and because of this he was able to communicate and walk with authority and security, not insecurity (Mark 1:22)!

His call and mission were sure. Because of that, he could confront the powers of darkness head on (Mark 2:17 & Luke 6:26).

He knew who HE was (Mark 14 & John 13).

Jesus knew who he was and where he had come from. He did not need to meet others expectations of him and he had no fear of what persons thought of him. Therefore, he could be a non anxious presence in tense situations and he could respond rather than react to conflict.

How might you work at being more like Jesus in this way?

Glad We Don't Know What's Next!

Yesterday, I was eating dinner with a leader that I have high respect for. This was a leader with a global heart and years of missions experience. We were at the table with others and I was asked this question...a question that we have been asked countless times:

"What are you doing after South Africa? When will you be back?"

The answer: We DO NOT KNOW! We will do whatever God says and go wherever he calls.

We both believe that...I think. But it is not easy. There are a million and one reasons why our controlling selves would like to know what is next and where all of this is headed, but we honestly don't know. All we know is that we have been called to leave where we are and move to Cape Town, South Africa to love people and plant churches. That needs to be enough for now.

Back to this leader and our conversation...when he listened to this conversation, he responded with a powerful insight that really connected into us. He said:

If you knew what was coming after you go to Cape Town, it would significantly decrease, dilute and maybe pollute the impact of this calling because you would be making all of your decisions through the lens of what you know is next instead of through faith in Christ for the unknown that lies ahead.

WOW!! Powerful As it stands, we are wide open. There's nothing on the calendar for 2013 and beyond. And I think God wants it that way!

A Powerful Prayer!

O ingenious God...
I rejoice in your creation,
and pray that your Spirit will touch me so deeply
that I will find a sense of self
which makes me glad to be who I am
and yet restless
at being anything less
than I can become.

Make me simple enough
not to be confused by disappointments,
clear enough
not to mistake busyness from freedom,
honest enough
not to expect truth to be painless,
brave enough
not to sing all my songs in private,
compassionate enough 
to get in trouble,
humble enough
to admit trouble and seek help,
joyful enough 
to celebrate all of it,
myself, others and you
through Christ Jesus our Lord.

From: Guerillas of Grace, Prayers for the Battle by Ted Loder  

CCF Summer Outreach Schedule

On Sunday, I presented an exciting and aggressive summer outreach plan. This summer will be quite full of opportunities to step out of your comfort zone, reach out, and make a difference. Here is the full list of what is ahead. CCF'rs- you can sign up for as many as possible at church this Sunday.

Friday, July 9th at 6:30pm- CCF Dinner and Family Night in the Upper Room (Potluck, bring a dish, bring a game, bring your family, and let's have some fun!)

Saturday, July 10 from 8:45am-12pm: Mission to Mission Drive (CCF is located and the intersection of 193 and MISSION Drive)!! Hand out free cold water and invite cards to traffic at the intersection in front of the church

Sunday, July 11th- Colossians Message 2 and Partnership/Baptism Sunday.

Sunday, July 11 from 12pm-2pm: On Mission to Mission Drive!! Hand out free cold water and invite cards in front of the church. Take 2.

Saturday, July 17 from 8:45am-12pm: On Mission to Mission Drive!! Hand out free cold water and invite cards in front of the church. Take 3.

Sunday, July 18th in Worship- Colossians Message 3

Sunday, July 18 from 12am-2pm: On Mission to Mission Drive!! Hand out free cold water and invite cards in front of the church. Take 4.

Sunday, July 18 through Friday, July 23-- VBS EVERY NIGHT!!! Workers and prayer still needed!

Friday, July 23rd at 6:30pm- AWESOME closing event for VBS! For people of all ages. Let's pack the house!

Sunday, July 25th in Worship- Colossians Message 4

July 25- August 25- Strong Intentional VBS Follow Up (Led by Tricia Kaye and Charlie Benjamin- let them know if you can assist.)

Sunday, August 1- Pastor Lew preaches and Communion Sunday

Saturday, August 7th 9am-12pm- Local Neighborhood Prayer Walk and Trash Pick Up (instruction, advice, trash bags, gloves and CCF Invite cards provided). Goal: serve people, pray for people and build local friends.

Sunday, August 8th- Pastor Noah preaches

August 13th at 6pm- CCF Dinner and Family Night. Spaghetti Dinner (pasta and sauce provided) bring salad or bread or drink or dessert, bring a game, bring your family, and let's chill!

Sunday, August 15th- Caleb preaches- Title: [Fanatic] What do you worship?

Sunday, August 22nd- Pastor Noah preaches

Sunday, August 29, 10am-1pm- Back to Church Sunday! (HUGE OUTDOOR EVENT, Short OUTDOOR worship worship service and Pig Roast or Chili Cook Off. This will be an in house event and local outreach.)


As a church in transition, one of the greatest things we can do is get our focus off of ourselves and onto Jesus and others! If ever there was a time that partners need to step up and become the church, it is now. We invite you to bathe these things in prayer.

Hanging With Our New Tribe

Over the course of the last 5 months, Tricia and I have been through a variety of emotions. We have been slowly letting go of many different things and have been feeling quite alone at times...not because there is no one around, there are plenty of wonderful and loving people around us. The problem is that there are few people around who understand what we are feeling, who have felt these things and know what it is to go through leaving the country, family and friends and the whole range of missionary emotions.

Well, this week has already been a gift of grace! We are spending the week in the presence of other missions families from around the world. They know what we are feeling. They can put our feelings into words. They see it. They get it. They even know what may be down the road still and are helping prepare us. This is so life-giving to be here. One day in and I am already enriched beyond what I expected. And Davis is even getting to hang out all week with TCK's (third culture kids). So cool!

We are running with our new tribe for the first time and it feels good.

(This week is Eastern Mennonite Missions Oasis week. By the way, we have been THOROUGHLY impressed with EMM as an organization thus far.)

Forgive Us

Mom sent me this the other day and I thought it was pretty powerful!

Forgive them all, oh Lord
Our sins of omission and our sins of commission
The sins of our youth and the sins of our riper years
The sins of our souls and the sins of our bodies
Our secret and our more open sins
Sins of our ignorance and of surprise
And our more deliberate and presumptuous sins
The sins we have done to please ourselves and the sins we have done to please others
The sins we know and remember and the sins so forgotten.
The sins we have striven to hide from others and the sins by which we have made others offend
Forgive them, oh Lord forgive them all for His sake
Who died for our sins and rose for our justification
Christ Jesus our Lord!

Great leaders are great repenters!

You Don't Have to Hold it Together

As I prepare to begin a series on Colossians, I keep being ministered to from this powerful letter. More and more I hear people's stories of how life seems to get out of control. Some days I even feel that it is too heavy for ME to hold everything together. I don't know about you, but I often feel the heavy weight of responsibility to "hold it all together" in my life. Well, I have some good news for someone. You do not have to hold it all together. Jesus will do that for you!

Check this out:

For everything, absolutely everything, above and below, visible and invisible, rank after rank after rank of angels—everything got started in him and finds its purpose in him. He was there before any of it came into existence and holds it all together right up to this moment. -Colossians 1:16-17

Please let Jesus do what He is so good at. HE'S GOT THIS!

Random but Loaded Update; 10 blogs in 1

I have not blogged in almost a week, so here is a random (but loaded) update.

  1. My computer is in the shop since last Tuesday and will be for another day or two. It has been REALLY hard to work without it. I am 10x less efficient. I will be thrilled to get it back.
  2. I had a great birthday yesterday. Felt blessed by the love I received from Facebook, Tricia, Davis, my family, the Staff and my Small Group.
  3. I am really excited about staring my Colossians series this Sunday. This book is loaded with treasures. Still unsure how to condense this into 4 weeks. God...help me as you always do!
  4. This Sunday I am rolling out an aggressive and exciting summer outreach surge. Bring your calendars and your willing hearts to church. It is on like Donkey Kong! The next 60 days at CCF will be full of life.
  5. I cannot believe how hot and humid it has been! Really?!?!
  6. Frankly, I feel pretty stressed right now. Lots of pressure in lots of directions. Honestly, leading a church while preparing for a missions sending is not easy to do at the same time. The amount of EMM prep work is heavy. But it will all be worth it.
  7. Speaking of EMM-- Tricia, Davis and I will be at the Black Rock Retreat Center all of next week for Oasis...an event for missionary families. Looking forward to meeting and building relationships with other families serving God around the world.
  8. I wish I could get the iPhone 4, but I do not think I am eligible for an upgrade. However, two AT&T executives just HAPPENED to be in our service Sunday. They are seeing what that can do. ;-)
  9. I am thankful to have finalized our family's itinerary for our overseas trip in September. Lots of hours will be spent in the air, but an immense amount of learning, shaping and preparing will also happen.
  10. I have an Executive Board meeting tonight. Please keep praying for both our EB and our Pastoral Search Team during this time of important change and decision making.

I will be back on the blogging wagon once I get my MacBook back. Love you!


Announcing the July Series at CCF: Colossians!

I am very excited to announce that I will teaching a 4 week message series throughout the month of July on Paul's letter to the Colossian Church. For the last few weeks, I have been reading a chapter of Colossians each day. The more I rotate through this 4 chapter book, the more I marvel at the power therein.

Remove the coach, the team flounders.
Take out the engine and the car won't run.
Unplug the fridge, and your food will not stay cold.
Connections are vital. Colossians is a book of key connections.
Jesus is the fullness of God and the only source of living the Christian life. He is the head, the leader and the power source.
Come this summer looking for ways to grow in connection to Jesus!
Colossians...it's all about Jesus!

Okanya's Sabbatical

Pastor Nelson, Jessica, Barak and Izak will be heading into a sabbatical from July 1 through August 31. A sabbatical is a time of release from normal pastoral duties in order that a pastor and his family experience deep growth. The Okanya's sabbatical will include spiritual development, short-term mission service, vision development, as well as personal and family development. They will travel to Kenya and Tanzania doing short-term missions, conducting church leadership seminars and teaching at the Mennonite Theological College of Eastern Africa (where Nelson previously served as Academic Dean and Jessica served as Accountant).

I am personally excited about the timing of this trip for the Okanya's and for CCF. It is good for them to have this season of refreshing while we are still here-- so that they may return to CCF ready to lead with fresh energy during this time of transition as a church.

If you wish to donate to the Okanya's Missions expenses for this summer, you can CLICK HERE!

Let's be praying for them.

Accepting Resumes for the CCF Lead Pastor Position

Capital Christian Fellowship (CCF),* located in Prince Georges Co. near Washington D C, is a loving and ethnically diverse congregation. CCF lives its faith in an evangelical Anabaptist persuasion, celebrates in contemporary worship and is dedicated to loving God, loving people and living as disciples. CCF seeks a Lead Pastor who is a committed and passionate follower of Jesus with a proven record in preaching & teaching, developing leaders, and forward thinking leadership in outreach and church growth.

 To indicate interest in exploring this ministry call please send curriculum vitae and brief bio to: ccfpastoralsearch@gmail.com by July 31.

(*Additional information at: capitalchristian.org. CCF is a member of the Washington – Baltimore district of Lancaster Mennonite Conference.)

Job Category: Senior Pastor
Pay to relocate: Yes
Job Status: Full-time
Education & Experience required: Yes
Denomination: Mennonite
Church Size: 251-500
Worship Style: Contemporary (Praise and worship)

Glenn Kauffman


Tel: 301-262-7008


You can view the ad online HERE!

PS- This makes me sad and excited all at the same time. Talk about bittersweet. This is it!

Tribute to my Dad

...who art in Bowie, Joseph is his name...OK, let me back up. Perhaps there's another approach.

We wanted to take a moment to share a few thoughts about Dad. With Tricia's Dad now in heaven, we share my Father, Joseph Anthony Kaye as our only earthly Dad (he treats Tricia like his own). Dad will be 65 next month.
His life started with the odds stacked against him...he was abandoned and adopted. He did not grow up in a Christian home--or a healthy one for that matter. Since many of you did not know my Dad in his wild days (before Jesus), you would be shocked to hear some of his stories. By God's grace my Dad went from growing drugs in our back yard to growing five kids who fear God and love Jesus.
My father is a rare gem. Here are some of the traits that we love about Dad:
  • Gentle
  • Caring
  • Consistent
  • Warm
  • Welcoming
  • Never demands the attention or glory--always deflects it to the Lord.
  • Loves the Bible! Always has since he was saved 30 years ago.
  • Loves the Lord! And it shows.
  • Loves people! If you ever catch my Father talking bad about someone, I'll pay your bills for the month (not). Seriously, I love how he always looks for the best in people, not the worst. Recently, I asked Dad how he manages to do that and he said this: 1) He knows how bad it hurts to be mistreated and does not ever want to do it to others and 2) One day we will be judged for EVERY word we speak. Powerful.
Tricia, myself and all of my siblings feel totally blessed to have a Dad like ours. We love you, Dad! Happy Father's Day.
PS- Dad, they say that I look and act like you more and more each day! I just want you to know that I consider that one of the greatest compliments in the world. Even if I do lose all my hair. I love you!

What I Appreciate in a Friend (reposting)

Friends have always played an important role in my life. Connecting with several friends this week have reminded me of the blessing that they are. Here are some of the things (most special to me) that I appreciate and look for in a friend:

  1. Fun! I want to and need to laugh, cut up and carry on with a friend. I feel like I have to be serious too often in my role. I need the therapy of good laughs with good friends. We even laugh at things we probably shouldn't. Oh well. I'll grow up one day.
  2. Real! Can say whatever about whatever. There is no untouchable territory. We do it in love, but we do it! The best friends that I have will say what they think without filters or fake.
  3. Integrity! Pastor or no Pastor, integrity matters to me. I will have friends that are who they say they are and do what they say they'll do. If there is no integrity, there is not trust and there will be no relationship worth working at.
  4. Have a pause and play button. For me, a friendship must be able to pick up where it left off. We may need to hit pause....and then hit play again a year down the road. Contrary to some people's opinions, I do NOT believe that time apart MUST cause drift apart. A real friendship will be able to resume when you reconnect.
  5. Guilt Free. I cannot do friendships where unmet expectations lead to guilt. If I have to call you, do this or do that to avoid your guilt trip, we're not gonna be too tight for too long.
  6. Pure Motives. I do not appreciate people wanting to be my friend because of my position. You'd be surprised how many people want to be overly friendly just because I am a Pastor. I'll pass. I want you to be my friend because of my person, not my position.

There are more...but these are certainly some qualities at the top of the list for me.

What are a few qualities that you look for in a friend?

CCF is Hiring!

Capital Christian Fellowship Ministry Position Opening...

We are accepting resumes for the position of “Director of Children’s Ministry” at CCF, from now until July 15, 2010. Currently, the position is open to CCF partners and attendees only.

This will be a part-time ministry position replacing Tricia’s current role.

Basic job duties will include leadership and oversight for:

• Capi’s Babies
• Capi’s Kids
• Club 56
• Sunday Small Groups for Kids
• All ministry from Birth to 6th grade

Please submit resumes, cover letters and any other helpful information via email to noahkaye@capitalchristian.org by July 15.

Thank you and we look forward to discerning God’s great plans!

Church Seasons (reposted)

In church life, we are always in a season. A key responsibility of the leader is to know what season the organization is in, to name it, and then to communicate the implications of that season.

Here are a few of the seasons that Bill Hybels defines in his book, "Axiom":

An easy season to identify is a season of growth. In a growth season, everything is rosy. Attendance is spiking, giving is on the rise, programs are thriving, and the future looks bright. In seasons like this, leaders have to be organizationally aware enough to say, “Look, everybody, we’re going through a fun growth spurt here. Let’s enjoy this season and play it out for as long as we can. You know as well as I do that it won’t last forever, but while it’s here, let’s thank God for it and see how long we can keep it going!”

Another season might be called consolidation, which usually follows a season of growth. The goal during consolidations is to assimilate and support the people who showed up during all of that growth. Newcomers typically need discipleship and community and care. Investing in your infrastructure and protecting your recent gains proves you can be trusted with the growth God graciously gives. Effective consolidation earns you permission to enter yet another season of growth sometime in the future.

Another season that is familiar to leaders is a season of transition. It might begin when several staff decide to leave all at once, and everything and everyone feels at bit off balance and uncertain. It might be complicated by external factors such as a downturn in the local economy or a major upheaval in the community, and leaders are the ones who must give voice and language to that reality. They must explain why the era is occurring, what it means, and how to navigate through it.

Finally, there’s reinvention. This is when the leader announces that it’s time to put every ministry of the church under the microscope and discern whether it needs a face-lift, an overhaul, or a funeral----a necessary pruning exercise to make room for future growth.

This leadership-seasons idea traces back to Ecclesiastes 3:1, which says that “there is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.”

Do yourself and those you lead the favor of learning to spot your season and give voice to the realities of that season. Assign appropriate language to it, designate helpful parameters to succeeding within it, and confidently offer solutions for moving through it.

You’re always in a season! It’s your role to know which it is and what to do about it.


This week I will be spending the bulk of my time with family and friends in the North and I do not plan to spend much time blogging. However, I do plan to repost some old blog posts that are worth sharing again.

Blogging requires commitment, but it is so very rewarding. One of my dreams is to compile some of the posts of the last three years into a book of some kind....even if only for me to have as a keepsake.