Awake in Dubai...

Today was weird. Tonight was powerful.

First about today…
When we realized that we would be laying over in Dubai on our way from Shanghai to Cape Town, we inquired about how much it would be to extend our layover a tad. When we found out that it was $20.00, we jumped on it. So, today we spent the day in Dubai. It was, for lack of a better word, weird.
  • It was dead. The roads were empty. The stores, restaurants and attractions were empty. Where are all the people they built all this for? Maybe we were just here on an off day.
  • Everything is overdone. As you move around Dubai, it seems that they try to do everything over the top…I guess because they can. Tallest, biggest, most extravagant, nicest, etc.
  • There are only about 1.8 million people of Dubai, of which about 70% are foreigners (typically from other Middle Eastern locations and India). Kinda weird for locals to be outnumbered so strongly, huh?
  • We learned that it is really cheap and easy to put a branch of your company here in a big skyscraper (no tax). We were amazed at the amount of American companies with locations here.
  • It is really, really hot here! And the haze from the heat makes it very hard to see the impressive towers they’ve built.
  • Dubai has WAY too many construction projects going at the same time. Two different local taxi drivers I spoke with today offered this as the main criticism of their home. They need to finish what they start before they start new projects. The result of this issue is that we felt like we were in a city half built. Weird.

Honestly, overall, we were not as impressed as we thought we would be. Frankly, if you are thinking of coming here, be sure you shop for really good rates, or I am afraid you may get here and regret it. It was neat to “check it off the list”, but it is not somewhere we would necessarily return to.

Okay, so that was all mainly practical, because some of you asked me to share about this place.

Now about tonight (more spiritual)…

As we walked around today, we saw so many Muslims!! It was like nothing either of us had ever seen. To walk through the mall and every 4th person was in Traditional Muslim dress and to see Prayer Rooms everywhere we went…so different. As we walked around today, I told Tricia that if felt overwhelming to me. There are so many people that have not met Jesus yet. After being in China (mainly Godless) and now the Middle East (mainly Muslim), the need for the truth of Jesus seems so great, but the people here sharing it are so few. Honestly, it felt overwhelming. Where do you start? Prayer and relationship are certainly near the top of the list…but…

Well, tonight God has me awake and broken. Spent some time worshipping, looking out the window of our hotel and praying. I have not wept like this for the lost in a long, long time…if ever. The need is so great in our world. Jesus is the giver of true peace we all seek and the forgiver of the sin that we all fight every day. HE is the promise of life abundant and eternal. Oh, how he wants the people of every land to turn their hearts to him and him alone.

Jesus, you are the one true God! I know that, and I worship you! But, Lord, there are so many who do not. I feel like there is more I am supposed to do, but I don’t know what. Keep leading and guiding me. And call your representatives and messengers to those who do not yet know the life changing truth of the gospel. Father, I promise to do my best to live into your Great Commission and to be faithful to urge others to do the same…so the world will come to know you.
“And the gospel of the Kingdom will be preached to all nations, and then the end will come!” Matthew 24:14

Next Steps of our Trip-- Itinerary Update

Tonight, we head to the airport to catch our next flight. We fly out of Shanghai at 11:30pm local time and land in Dubai (United Arab Emirates) in the early morning hours of their time. We are spending an intentional 36 hour layover in Dubai. We will explore this city for a day. We have heard that is is truly fascinating! We really look forward to checking it out. May hit the tallest building in the world, the indoor ski slope, and the palm shaped island.

Then, we fly from Dubai to Cape Town, South Africa on Monday. We are SOOOO excited to see Cape Town for the first time. We hope that we will be able to update and share what we are experiencing. We will be in Cape Town Monday through Friday.
Appreciate all your prayers and love...especially for our remaining 40+ hours in the air!

A Missions Epiphany, The Master Trade Agent

Yesterday, the Lord met me and imparted something deep into my heart. I want to share it with you.

Over the last 5 years or so, I have been developing a personal philosophy of missions. While I am tempted to borrow linchpins from other people or Organizations (and I will), I have been asking the Lord to reveal to me through his Spirit some personal missiology through experience-- I tend to think those realizations will impact me deeper and stick with me longer. Over time, I will develop and share what I am learning. Here is one such pillar that God has revealed to me on this trip!

God is a master tradesman. I believe that he is pleased in assigning and re-assigning people around the world.

Let me explain more using China and the United States as a case study.

God sending people from America to China: As you know, there is a massive number of people in China who have not met Jesus. For years, America has been preparing and launching people into missions in China. Many people have sacrificed and risked to bring the gospel here. And many lives have been transformed because of it. Entire villages may not have been saved had it not been for the ministry of international missionaries. These servants were called and used of God! And their impact was perhaps even greater BECAUSE they were foreign. The fact that they looked different, talked different, thought different and believed different may have been the very reason that locals perked up and listened-- curiosity of what this stranger was all about. And in that way, God used them to bring new breath and light! And people meet Jesus and are transformed-- which is the heart of missions.

God sending people from China to America: I am American and so I am speaking as such. I am also a Christian and speaking as such. As Tricia and I sat in some of the gatherings this week, something hit us. The people in these gatherings are mainly Pastors, leaders and Chinese brothers and sisters that sense a call on their life for missions. While we were in one of the gatherings, a conversation began and some of the folks were expressing the fear that they would have if they were called to missions work in the USA. They were afraid that they would be unwanted or unneeded. All of the sudden, I felt the Spirit of God speak to my heart with a realization that I knew I had to share with this room of about 100 people. So I did. I said this (which is the thrust of the missions realization I had):

"As we have been with you this week, you have challenged us and inspired us. Your passion for God has convicted our complacency. Your hunger for the Spirit has highlighted our lukewarmness. Your prayer has reminded us of our lack of it. And your worship has made ours look like performance. You have inspired us to love Jesus in a new way. And that is EXACTLY what most of America needs...a fresh passion for the things of God. We say we are Christian, we think we know it all and have it all....none of which is really true! If I could take 25 of you back to our home church, I know that you would inspire us to come alive for Jesus in a fresh way-- something we so badly need! If you Chinese came to us with this passion for God, you would cause more people to meet Jesus and be transformed by him-- which is the heart of missions! So do not fear. You can answer God to GO as he calls you. Will you face challenges? YES! We always do in mission. But the cause is certainly worth it!"

So, there you have it. I believe that God is master trade agent. He has a way of trading people between nations so that he can see the dream he laid out in Matthew 28:18-20 be fulfilled.

Might I recommend that you be in close contact with the master trade agent to see if you are assigned to the right place for the sake of the Kingdom.

Congratulations On Your Pain!

I discovered some really encouraging news while reading John, chapter 15 this week...

All of us experience pain! We go through trials and and hurts and challenges. All of us! There are many places in the scriptures that give sense and meaning to our pain. Consider it joy when you face trials for it leads to maturity, blessed are those who are persecuted because theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven, etc...

While reading John 15 this week, verse 2 jumped out at me in a new way! It says this:

"He cuts off every branch of me that does not bear fruit. And every branch that is fruit bearing, he prunes back so that it will bear even more."

First, understand that pruning is cutting. It hurts. It stings. But, it helps. It produces health and the short term pain is nothing in comparison to the long term results.

But, the encouragement I see in John 15:2 is this: If you are being tested, pruned, stretched, and feeling pain...according to this verse, you must be bearing fruit!

Congratulation!!! If you were bearing NO FRUIT, you would just be cut off. Instead, you are BEARING FRUIT, so God is pruning you so you can bear MORE FRUIT! If you can stay connected to Jesus (remain in the vine), you are promised to bear MUCH FRUIT! An abundant harvest!

Hang in there. And Congratulations on your pain. It means you are doing something right. And I think there are great things ahead for you!

Dangerous Comparison

She's a dropout. He has a Doctorate.

She's an Executive. He's a Janitor.

He's the President. She's a beggar.

She's beautiful. He's crippled and deformed.

We are locals. They are foreigners.

We fight. They have a perfect marriage.

Everybody likes him. Nobody likes me.

People hand things to her on a silver platter. I get no breaks.

They get away with everything. I get away with nothing.

In the journey of learning to love people like Jesus, I am realizing the danger in comparing people against others...or yourself to another. It is rather natural and a part of our sin nature. But, it is no good for you, no good for your relationships, and not pleasing to God.

Since when can we compare one to another? We have all sinned. We all need a savior. We all are grace cases. We all have our issues. Get your eyes off of others and onto Jesus. Give people your love, not your jealousy. Comparison is counter-gospel and hurting our cause as followers of Jesus. And YOU are probably guilty of it.

Lord, help us all to compare ourselves to Jesus, causing us to become humbled by the realization of how much more we need of you.

Updates and Toilet Paper

Here we are checking back in with you again from Shanghai, China. Wish we could update more often and share more info with you regarding the exciting things that we are experiencing these days....but things are as they are, and this is the best we can do. There are no lack of stories. Just lack of ability to share them all.

Here are a few quick updates....

1. Noah is attending meetings and discussions with over 100 others. More on that when we return.

2. We are continuing to learn that it does not take a house to make a home! Tricia did an amazing job of making our hotel room our home. There is a school table, a play area, a closet and clothing corner, a food/snack counter, the office, the bathroom and the bedroom! It is impressive the way we have settled in to our space.

3. Getting over this jet lag with Davis has been a real challenge (very different than when I travel alone). We have only managed to sleep about one hour later every day we have been here...12am, 1am, 2am, 3am and today until 4am! We are on track to be normal by the weekend. ;-)

4. Davis has been totally impressive in his ability to adjust in a new culture. He is full of joy and happy as he can be. He is greeting people and thanking people in Chinese...ALREADY! When I flag a taxi down on the road, Davis is the first one opening the back door and starting to getting in. Amazing. He is loving being out of the car seat. He climbs all over the back seat. When in Rome... Oh, by the way, he is now posing for pictures without a fuss. He's caught on fast.

5. Honestly, I expected this experience to much more challenging for Tricia than it has been. She has been a real champ! Today, she is taking Davis out on the town and doing some shopping without me while I am in sessions. She felt comfortable getting a taxi and heading to the local shopping area-- just she and Davis. They are getting some medicine for Davis who is congested and they are picking up some toilet paper...

6. Speaking of toilet paper...Chinese TP is TERRIBLE!! See this picture here. This is real. No exaggeration, it is about 1/4 the size of American TP. You get about two #2's out of it. Then, you are at the front desk begging for more...and they cannot understand you act it out and use hand motions. Are you tracking with me?

7. But Chinese people...they are beautiful people. The followers of Jesus we are meeting are passionate, committed, hungry, gracious and humble. They hang on every word of the faith. I could listen to them pray or worship all day! Yet, there are so many that do yet yet know. Remain in prayer for this powerful nation...a kingdom tool!

8. And...
-Someone just lent us a local cell phone which is nice in case we need it.
-We are finding fun things to do with the other day, may hit an aquarium soon too.
-We may be going go to a massive Bible printing press in the next few days. It will be a couple hour train ride.
-Several other familiar faces will be arriving to join us in the next few days. That will be nice, especially since there are kids on the way for Davis to play with!

Checking in from Shanghai, China

(This blog is being posted for us by someone in America. China does not allow us on Facebook, Twitter, Blogger, YouTube, and more...bummer.)

We are getting well settled in here in Shanghai, China. Here are a few updates and highlights so far.

From Noah...

I still cannot believe what a smooth trip it was. If I told you that Davis did not touch an iPhone, iPad or iPod for the entire trip, would that help you understand what an awesome trip it was?!?! Well, it's true. We played Bible Go fish (25 times) and colored and opened up a present every hour (that he was awake). Thank you, Grammy for the backpack full of wrapped gifts. It worked like you hoped! We are just finally over jetlag this morning. Recovering from jetlag with a toddler along is quite different than when you are alone.

We spent the morning yesterday (Sunday) in downtown Shanghai. It was really cool because we arrived there at about 6:30am before it got busy (read: a gazillion people everywhere!!) and the only people around were the elderly population all playing badminton and doing eastern exercise, employees of companies and hotels doing morning PT and people walking dogs and babies. Got some cool pics and met some nice people.

I have been to over a dozen Chinese cities in three trips, and NEVER have I experienced what I did yesterday. Davis was a MOVIE STAR!! At one time we had nearly 20 cameras circling us as people took pictures. The common thing was to 1) touch his head or face, 2) guess his age (almost always accurately) and 3) take his picture. He did not know how to react. I just kept kneeling down, explaining what I could and ensuring him that he was safe with us.

Yesterday afternoon we attended Abundant Grace International Fellowship, an English speaking International church led by Pastor Nate Showalter (brother of Richard Showalter). You may recall Nate and his family as the folks who so graciously let a group of us stay in their lovely home in 2009 while they were away. AGIF is a fully legal, government allowed Christian church! In the words of one Leader yesterday: China allows you to believe whatever you want in only monitors how you express those beliefs publicly. The church experience was shocking for lack of a better word. I felt like I was in one of the better American churches that I have ever attended. It was like Willow Creek meets NCC meets North Point meets CCF. Extraordinary diversity, excellent worship, relevant preaching, media, rocking kids and youth ministry, coffee and brownies at the newcomers reception, and a small groups ministry with a goal of seeing 100% of Sunday attendees in a Small Group. We met people from all over the world and had an awesome experience. This is the first English speaking church I have attended in China.

From Tricia...

Wow...What Noah said!!! I can't believe that I am in China. Never thought this day would ever happen and I am so blessed and honored that it did. We had a great flight here and I was so very proud of Davis. He was a real trooper! Noah says we are past the jetlag but I'm not sure he is right (the boys are, I am not). I feel like I have been beaten and I am feeling more tired today (Monday) than yesterday. Yesterday we felt like bad parents because we would not let Davis fall asleep for long and he wasn't happy with us when we woke him and wouldn't let him go back to sleep. We managed to keep him awake until 9pm last light and this morning he is wide awake and full of energy (unlike his Mommy).

We had a great first day here in Shanghai and I am looking forward to the next 2 weeks. Later today we make our way to our next hotel, where will stay for our remaining time. Please continue to pray for us on this journey and for us as a family! We sense God with us.

We will post and blog as we can....likely will be limited until we are out of China.

Love you all


Around the Globe

We are off on a trip around the globe...Tricia, Davis and I.

Trip will contain:
  • San Francisco, CA (layover)
  • Shanghai, China (2 week event)
  • Dubai, UAE (1.5 day "sightseeing layover")
  • Cape Town, South Africa (exploratory trip)
  • London, England
  • 60 hours of flight time!
  • 4 continents (if you include North America)
  • Selecting a school for Davis
  • Important meetings for our future
  • Family Bonding
  • Character building (traveling the world with a 3 year old)
  • Relationship building with leaders in the Kingdom
  • Enlarging of heart and call
  • Jesus being glorified
  • The unexpected...
I am so excited that Tricia (and Davis) are coming. Every time I have been overseas, I have dreamed of the day Tricia could come with me. That dream comes true tomorrow.
We will do our best to update online as we can.
Grace and peace to you and yours!

God's Satisfaction Barometer

God's satisfaction barometer is way different than ours. The other day I was meeting with a friend and Pastor and he shared something that I thought was profound.

God sees the multitude in the few. And He sees the end in the beginning.
When God created man, he made one that he could love billions! He was satisfied with what he had made, because he could see the ending outcome in the seed beginning.
Think of Abraham...God promised that he would make him a great nation and then gave him one son and asked him to offer him as a sacrifice. In the few, God saw the many.
When Jesus came, he reached a few disciples, but envisioned the WORLD being discipled through them. And that excited him and satisfied him.
He can see the 50, 100, 200 people at your church and simultaneously see the thousands and tens of thousands of lives that you are destined to impact over time!
And in these things, I believe God is satisfied. He understand the principle of the mustard seed. He knows what the yeast does to the dough. He see faithfulness in the small, and wants to give you many. Hang in there. Press on. Do not despise the day of small beginnings.
...And ask God to give you his satisfaction barometer when you feel discouraged or impatient.

Hurtful Humor

Last week, I stumbled into a powerful conversation about humor and began thinking about some things. I thought I would share them with you. You test them and see what you think:

  • People abuse and misuse humor...and it hurts others.
  • I often observe people using jokes as jabs to devalue and invalidate people. And it is sad.
  • Passive aggression is often quite noticeable in people's jokes. Folks that are too cowardly to say something to someone in a healthy and constructive way, will take the "easy" way out and tuck it into a joke.
  • I have often said that there is a certain percentage of truth in every joke.
Here's the deal. I catch myself doing this too...and I do not like it. I want to raise our awareness to be people of peace, integrity and honesty. If you need to say something to someone, you owe it to them to say it straight so they get it, not tuck it into a joking jab!
Pay attention to your dual-intentioned comments.

The Suffering Blog

During this EXTREMELY busy time in our life, some things have had to go. You just cannot do it all. For me, one of the things that have suffered over the last few months is this blog. I just cannot seem to find the time to get to it like I want to. I have ideas that I really want to share and things to write, but just not the time to do it. However, I AM keeping a running list and will catch up when I can...maybe in Africa. ;-)

Here is a sneak peak. Looking forward to blogging these titles:
  • God's Satisfaction Barometer
  • Success is NOT the Goal
  • Removing the Comma in Ephesians 4
  • Using Humor as Jabs
  • Levels of Faith
  • God's Testing is God's Loving
They are in the heart, just gotta get them on the screen.
Thanks for checking back and staying connected in the quiet.

Weight Loss for Missions. Week 7 Results.

Seven weeks ago today, I began a journey to destroy weight before moving to South Africa. CLICK HERE to read about it.
I asked people to sponsor and support me in the journey. Well, here is the update for week 7.

This week I destroyed 2 more pounds for a total of 33 pounds destroyed in 7 weeks. I am at 262 now and can see the 250's just ahead!
So, we leave Friday morning for a 21 day overseas trip. PLEASE pray that I can eat right and keep destroying the pounds. I hope to be well into the 250's when we return.
Here is something really cool that the Lord showed me last week. Hebrews 12:1 tells us to "shed off the weight that so easily hinders us." When I read it, I felt the Lord's voice gently nudge me toward continuing to shed off my weight-- that does indeed hinder me more than I know. Cool stuff.

Sunday in the Outdoors-- THIS SUNDAY!

CCF's Sunday in the Outdoors event is coning in 2 days!

Here are some things you'll want to know about the day...

10:00am- 10:45am:
• Coffee & Juice
• Dry Games for Kids & Moonbounce!
• Games for the "Big Kids"
• Music
• Prayer Table & Guest Center
• Hanging out with your church!

• Worship
• Welcome
• Recognition of Students and Teachers
• Message by Pastor Noah

• Free Picnic Lunch
• Music
• Games for Adults (Badminton, Cornhole, Horseshoes, Board Games, and more!)
• Kiddie Pools, Games and Moonbounce for kids
• Prayer Table & Guest Center
• Halftime & AWANA Station
• Hanging out with your church!

Other important info:
• Parking will be split between the CCF lot and the lot behind Giant.
• Remember that your children are your responsibility at all times. Let's work together to keep everyone safe.
• All the children's activities will be closing at 10:30 a.m. for the morning service.
• We will reopen the children's activities at 12:00 noon.

We are so excited for this day! See you this Sunday in the OUTDOORS!!

Heading to PA. Again.

Tricia and I are leaving in a few moments for Akron, PA where we will spend the next 3 days at the Eastern Mennonite Missions New Appointees Orientation. We will be coached on things like:

  • Spiritual Nurture
  • Culture Shock
  • Resiliency Skills
  • Policies and Budget
  • Security Training
  • Crisis Management
  • Conflict Management
  • And more...
We will also continue to build relationships and new friends. Davis is staying with Mom and Dad, so we are actually looking forward to the small break. Just don't tell him. ;-)
Hope to see all CCF'rs THIS Sunday at "Sunday in the Outdoors!!!"
Love you!

My Car Miracle

Everyone has different definitions of miracles.

Here is mine: When God shows up and does something you cannot!
I want to share my miracle from today.
I have been trying and trying and trying to sell a car that was donated to us for our mission! I really wanted it behind me and I had a deadline coming soon (by the donor). I prayed a few days ago and asked the Lord to PLEASE help me sell it by the time I go out of town...which is TODAY at 1:00pm!! Well, 30 minutes ago while working at Panera, I stepped outside an sold the car to a GREAT buyer (lady with kids) for all cash!! I used a Panera butter knife (at the advice of the manager) to remove the tags, handed the title over and it's all done! ONE HOUR BEFORE GOING OUT OF TOWN!! I asked God to sell it before we left. And he his timing.
This morning was another reminder to that I needed again....that the Lord is in control and will do things on his schedule.
Had to share! Rejoicing right now.

Weight Loss for Missions. Week 6 Results.

Six weeks ago today, I began a journey to lose weight before moving to South Africa. CLICK HERE to read about it.
I asked people to sponsor and support me in the journey. Well, here is the update for week 6.

This week I lost 4 more pounds for a total of 31 pounds lost in 6 weeks.
I am at 264 now! Next stop...250's!!
This is getting fun now and I am just getting going.
Remember- I'm not LOSING weight! I am destroying weight. If you lose something, you can find it again. If you destroy something, it's gone forever.

Chevy's for Missions

We greatly hope that some of you can make it to Chevy's in Greenbelt this Sunday! Again, THIS SUNDAY from 12pm-3pm, Chevy's Tex Mex Restaurant will donate 25% of your check to our mission! Please come join us for lunch. Not only will it be great to raise funds, it will be even better to see you! Thank you for your support!

Note: all you will need to do is hand your server this little slip that we will provide you.

Jesus and the Kingdom of God

This is probably the BEST writing I have ever seen on the Kingdom of God. I shared this at the end of the message on Sunday. It is SUPERB!! It's an excerpt from the book, "Jesus Matters" and from the chapter entitled "Jesus and the Kingdom of God."

The good news of the kingdom is embodied in the life and witness, words and deeds, death and resurrection of Jesus. When Jesus cures a leper or a woman with an issue of blood and exorcises a demon-possessed victim, he establishes healing and wholeness as the essence of the kingdom. When Jesus fellowships with prostitutes and extortionary tax-collectors, he reveals that forgiveness and pardon are at the heart of the kingdom. When Jesus feeds the hungry and binds up the brokenhearted, when he upholds the importance of clothing the naked and visiting those in prison, he asserts that compassion and care for the vulnerable are at the very core of the kingdom.

When Jesus chooses to fellowship with ostracized women, like the woman at the well in John 4, and to enjoy the dinner company of sinners, he illuminates grace, welcome, and hospitality as fundamental to the nature of the kingdom. When Jesus loves the unlovely or touches the untouchable, when he engages the marginalized and reintegrates the outcast, when he highlights the welcome extended to the wayward (the prodigal son in Luke 15), lauds the generosity of the stranger (the good Samaritan in Luke 10), shows concern for the children and invites us to love our enemies or pray for our persecutors, Jesus is pointing to the radical newness of the in-breaking kingdom.

Jesus announces that the old ways of an eye for an eye, of neglecting justice and oppressing the poor, of disregarding the vulnerable and ignoring the hurting, of condemning the weak and caring only about self and status are in opposition to the kingdom.

The whole life of Jesus and all his works provided meaning and content to the announcement of the kingdom. Therefore, to declare Jesus is to declare the gospel. Jesus does not bring the gospel, he is the gospel--the good news that in him the kingdom has broken into history and accomplished everything necessary for the restoration and healing of our world.

Jesus taught about the kingdom of God in parables. He describes the kingdom as something that is near. It is something that should be sought. We may enter the kingdom; however, it can be shut up and taken away. It is preached. It is forcefully advancing. It comes secretly. It will come in power. It is to be looked forward to. And yet, it is already "among you." It is only for the committed. It is for children and those who are like children. It is for the poor in spirit and the persecuted. The poor disciple possesses it, but the rich man enters it only with great difficulty. It is above all a mystery!

The kingdom is about right, joyous, and reconciled relationships. Jesus describes the kingdom as a tiny mustard seed that becomes a tree where the birds live; it is like yeast that permeates and changes the bread dough. The unobtrusive, powerful and transforming growth of the kingdom in our lives often surprises us.

A final thought: It is interesting that Jesus does not seem to need to resolve this tension of the kingdom present and the kingdom not yet fulfilled. He can handle that tension. And it just reminds me of the fact that we will never totally figure it out either, because it is NOT OUR KINGDOM TO FIGURE OUT! It's God! The Kingdom of God, not the Kingdom of Noah or John or Jane or your church.

Weight Loss for Missions. Week 5 Results.

Five weeks ago today, I began a journey to lose weight before moving to South Africa. CLICK HERE to read about it.
I asked people to sponsor and support me in the journey. Well, here is the update for week 5.

This week I lost 3 more pounds for a total of 27 pounds in 5 weeks.
I am at 268 now! This is the first time that I have been in the 260's in at least 7 years.
I am still looking for people who want to partner with me and sponsor me per pound for missions! Please email, FB, comment, call, or text if you can support me.
BTW- Decided I'm not LOSING weight! I am destroying weight. If you lose something, you can find it again. If you destroy something, it's gone forever.