A Great Quote & A Few Questions
/A friend of mine posted this quote on Facebook yesterday and it stirred me:
“If I read the Bible for the first time, I would never conclude I needed to pray some prayer, but I would conclude I need to follow Jesus. If I read the Bible on a desert island, I’d never decide I needed to start a Sunday service, my priority would be discipleship." - Francis Chan
This just connected so deeply into some of the very questions I am wrestling with these days:
- How has how we have "done church" impacted how we are "being the church"? There is such a huge difference!
- What are the bare necessities to be the church? According to the Bible. Never mind what we are doing. What should we be doing?
- If we had found Jesus in scripture or in action, instead of in church, how would we understand and live out our faith differently than we are?
There is a lot that we are doing that is right on track. But, how can we live with even more Jesus passion and Jesus compassion?
I look forward to elaborating on this stuff more in the days to come...