Noise (external or internal?)

One of the things that I will share in my message this morning is that NOISE is one of the things that prevents us from hearing our God. But, what is noise? What we commonly think of is external noise. I am more closely referring to internal noise! This captures it best:

Noise isn't just the deafening sound of an airplane, a concert, or a police siren. Noise is the dishwasher, garbage disposal, vacuum cleaner, and air conditioner. Noise is the television, radio, and sound system. Noise is traffic, the office, and a restaurant. Noise is your computer, cell phone, MP3 player, the crowd around you, and the instant replay of your life looping inside your head.

Noise is you replaying your day over and over, late at night, regretting that you should have said or done something differently, agonizing over what you have to do, what you have to say, tomorrow, and whether it will be your best, or whether you can even do it. Noise is an incessant din inside your skull that rolls in on itself, dissolving into confusion and chaos.

Noise is outside you, pushing in...and noise is inside you, yelling to escape.

May God QUIET the noise around us and in us so that we may hear him.

Happy Birthday Mr. Blog

2 years ago today, I posted my first blog. So, that makes today the 2nd birthday of my blog. Or the 2nd anniversary of the day I started blogging. 1,060 posts later, and I'm still at it. I guess it's not a fad for me. On the contrary, this blog has pushed me to think, taught me to write better, prompted me to capture the journey, assisted me in communicating and opened all kinds of doors to deeper ministry.

I'm not ashamed to ask this question, because I believe in it's results:

How do you think I can get more people to read it? Primarily at CCF, but even in general? Any ideas? That's the only thing that my blog wants for his birthday.

I see this blog as a tool for digital discipleship, increased unity, and forming community. I keep asking the Lord to check my motives so that there is no pride or selfish gain. My heart is for you, and for all of us who want to keep growing in faith and connecting to our church.

Thanks for visiting. I welcome your feedback.

Release it to the enemy or redeem it for the Lord?

Something has been bothering me for a while now. It leaked out again as I was preaching last night. Here it is: I am troubled when the Church seems to be handing so many things over to the enemy so easily. Maybe it’s just me, but it feels like through the years, too many believers have run from too many potential kingdom tools and surrendered them to the forces of darkness.

Alcohol hurts people when abused, so let’s hand it over to the enemy instead of redeeming any possible value. Jesus turned the water into wine and Paul encouraged it for the stomach’s sake, but now it is evil?

Movie theaters play sinful material, so let’s hand the cinema over to the enemy and lose our potential for kingdom impact there.

The Internet is wracked with garbage and pornography, so the Internet is bad. We better leave it alone too....nevermind it's immeasurable kingdom potential!

Yoga is rooted in Eastern religions, so you are a bad Christian if you participate in it. Never mind the call to meditate on scriptures, the value of contemplation and reflection and the strong biblical connection between our physical and spiritual man. Let’s just hand yoga and anything that smells like it over to the enemy for him to use.

I could keep going and make similar statements about the radio, TV, music, technology, dancing, and many of the arts.

As for me…

  • I want to participate in redeeming the things of this world back to the creator of it all!
  • I will not play dead and submit potential kingdom tools over the punk enemy!
  • I will fight for the kingdom redemption of contaminated possibilities.
  • The church needs to rethink how to reclaim creation for the creator.
  • I feel this strongly. I need to work it through more in my mind, heart and Bible.

I know this is some touchy stuff. And I know A LOT of how we approach this needs to be connected to our spiritual strength. The further you feel from the Father, the more careful you need to be in flirting with things that carry greater possibility of temptation.

What are your thoughts? Leave a comment…

Off to PA...Lanham Christian School Retreat

In a few hours, Tricia, Davis and I are leaving for PA. I was invited to be the speaker at the High School Retreat for Lanham Christian School. Honestly, I would probably decline this offer if it was just some random school. I just don't have the flexibility to leave my post for 3 days with ease. It comes with some cost.

But...this is not just some random school. Not sure how to explain it, but I have a special place in my heart for Lanham Christian. Maybe because:
  • I am a graduate of it. So is my brother. And my sister. And many of my friends. Many memories!
  • I speak there often and love the kids.
  • I have a friendship with many of the staff.
  • I am good buddies with the Senior Pastor of Grace Brethren Church, Paul Mutchler.
  • CCF is just a few miles away. Not every day that you get to Pastor in the town you graduated from. So many connections here in the area.
  • I see great potential in the positioning and future of LCS. God has a plan for this school that is bright!
I just have an affinity of the heart with LCS. So, off we go. We're about to spend the next 3 days with High School students in the boonies in PA! Looking forward to it. Going to speak 4 different sessions and am pretty excited. Hope I can keep their attention as this is not my normal audience. I think Davis will be spoiled by the students. I am really, really glad that my wife no longer works full time and her boss is letting her come with me this week!
Will blog and twitter there (if I have service). Surprised?

Love God, Do What He Says!

I came across this passage the other day and keep going back and reading it. I want this promise and blessing in my life! And yours!

"Then the LORD said: "I am making a covenant with you. Before all your people I will do wonders never before done in any nation in all the world. The people you live among will see how awesome is the work that I, the LORD, will do for you. 11 Obey what I command you today. I will drive out before you the Amorites, Canaanites, Hittites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites." Exodus 34:10-11

Notice, that this passage is all about what the LORD is going to do. The only job of the people was to OBEY! That's it. Obey. God will show up, blow up and jack up the enemies that stand against you. You just need to obey Him, stop living for yourself and your own agenda.

Makes me think of John 15. If you love me, you'll obey my commands.

The more I read scripture, the more I see the incredible power and value of obedience.

You wanna love God? Do what he says. What is he saying to you today? Do it!

Love God, do what He says! Love God, do what he says!

Daddy, let's read the Bible together!

Davis is 2.75! He will be 3 in January. Ever since this summer, he has had a big interest in the Bible. It does not matter what book I am reading, he thinks it is a Bible. Well, recently he has been getting up as soon as I get back from the gym (he hears me come back home and the stupid dogs bark). This means...I am doing my devotions the first hour he is up. He is taking more and more interest in it.

Well, he blessed my heart this morning in a BIG WAY when he said, "Daddy, let's read the Bible together!" He got his "Little Warrior Bible" and I got mine and we read the Bible together. He stayed on my lap for 15-20 minutes and we alternated reading his, then mine, then his, then mine (as he dictated, of course)!
I am learning so much about influence and legacy as I raise this little guy.
They like what we like.

They act how we act.

They say what we say.

We read, they read.

We talk about Jesus, they talk about Jesus.
I am proud of my son! I pray with him and for him every single day.
I hope that this morning was just the first of many more times that I hear him say:
"Daddy, let's read the Bible together!"

(Tricia wanted a picture of this. Here it is.)

65 Money Saving Tips

  1. Bed, Bath & Beyond owns Harmon and Buy Buy Baby. Can use BBB coupons there.
  2. You can use a BBB coupon AND a manufacturer coupon on one item!
  3. If there is a specific coupon in the Sunday paper that I use more of, buy a lot from eBay for $1.00.
  4. Buy gift cards/store credit from eBay and save loads of money (especially on large projects like remodeling a kitchen). Call first before you purchase to make sure the amount is really on the card.
  5. the internet's most popular list of the best travel deals of the week.
  6. Mother of 5 kids who find the most exclusive deals, discounts and good free stuff and lets you know about them. Sign up for emails.
  7. Sign up for favorite stores (email) and restaurants to receive coupons and be the first to know about sales.
  8. Make your own coffee.
  9. Brown bag lunch at least a few days a week.
  10. Use grocery store bags to line trash bags (for small garbage cans of course).
  11. Tips for saving money at the grocery store: Go shopping alone.
  12. Have a budget and stick to it.
  13. Make fewer, larger trips.
  14. Don’t shop hungry.
  15. Plan your meals in advance for the week.
  16. Scan your cupboards, pantry, and fridge before leaving.
  17. Keep a running list of items you need on your fridge.
  18. Plan your trip through the store to minimize wandering the aisles.
  19. Don’t be afraid of store brands.
  20. Double check your receipt. How many times have you gotten home only to find a mistake on your receipt? And how many times have those mistakes resulted in you overpaying? Occasionally items are scanned incorrectly, or don’t come up with the sale price, or are even scanned twice. It can be easy to miss these pricing mistakes thanks to the numerous checkout distractions. There’s a reason the screen is right in front of you. Don’t talk on the phone or get distracted by the tabloid headlines! Watch as each item is scanned. If you think something is rung up incorrectly, ASK the cashier.
  21. Subscribe to the Sunday paper (coupons are FREE money)
  22. Keep an eye on the weekly store circular
  23. Clip (and use!) coupons for name brand items, most grocery stores double coupons, sometimes triple coupons.
  24. Check the store’s website for printable coupons.
  25. Stock up (within reason) when things are on sale.
  26. Bring your own reusable bags.
  27. Get rain checks when sale items are out of stock.
  28. Visit multiple stores to get the best deals, or…
  29. Joins the store’s affinity program and flash your savings card.
  30. Cook large batches and freeze for later.
  31. Don’t waste leftovers.
  32. Eat less – seriously, many people eat way more than necessary. (yes, me)
  33. Hit the local farmer’s market.
  34. Drink more water, fewer costly beverages.
  35. Be on the lookout for pricing errors at the register.
  36. Always fill out and send your rebates.
  37. Disconnect landlines if possible. Unless you have small kids in the house or older people to take care of, it is more than likely that you will be able to survive with only the mobile phones and can get rid of the land line.
  38. Credit cards should be used as the cash-management tool they are, not a borrowing tool. We're spending tomorrow's money when we put things on a credit card. You keep locking yourself up and losing your freedom. My bottom line on financial health? Stop spending.
  39. Call credit card companies and tell them you are not satisfied with your interest rate. They do not want to lose you, so that means you have the power. You may run into some resistance at the start of the conversation, but if you remind them how reliable a customer you have been and that you have no problem walking away, you may get what you want.
  40. Anytime you are about to eat or shop, Google the place you are headed to. For example, I recently had to go to Sports Authority to buy camping supplies. I googled "Sports Authority coupons" and many legit websites come up that have printable coupons. I printed out a coupon that saved me $25.00 off a purchase of $100.00. Another example, I knew I was going to Longhorn Steakhouse for dinner one night, and before I went, I googled: "Longhorn Steakhouse coupons" and printed out a free appetizer coupon.
  41. Eat out less.
  42. If someone likes to shop online, tell them to go to It's a website that has coupon codes for nearly every store we shop at.
  43. For car repairs or maintenance, go to the car repair shop's website before getting the work done because most of the websites offer coupons you can print out and bring with you to the car place. Sometimes they have a frequent oil change card.
  44. If you have "AAA", check online to see what discounts they offer.
  45. Replace regular light bulbs with "Compact Fluorescent Lamps" (CFL's). You'll use 66% less energy.
  46. If takes a lot of discipline, but consider unplugging every appliance in your home (except the fridge). Keeping items plugged in, consumes so much energy- even if they're not in use.
  47. Computers are energy hogs so don't leave yours running when it's not being used. Set your computer to enter "sleep" mode when not in use for 20-30 minutes. If your computer is less than five years old, it uses 95% less power in sleep mode.
  48. If you cannot afford to purchase brand new windows (to save money on heating and cooling), buy energy efficient window drapes. They will reduce your heating and cooling bills, while making a fashionable statement.
  49. For ladies who use eye make-up remover, use baby oil. It's very inexpensive and lasts for a long time.
  50. Don't place lamps or TV sets near your air-conditioning thermostat. The thermostat senses heat from these appliances, which can cause the air conditioner to think that the house temperature is hotter and cause it to run longer than necessary.
  51. Move furniture away from air vents. You'll improve airflow and help your heating/cooling system work better. Save an easy $20 a year.
  52. Unused refrigerators and freezers cost about $130/year to keep running. If you don't absolutely need that second fridge, unplug it.
  53. Use glass/ceramic pans in the oven. Glass and ceramic heat faster than metal pans which means, according to the American Council for Energy Efficiency, that you can cook your meals at a temperature 25 degrees lower in the same amount of time.
  54. NO peeking! Every time you open the oven door to check on what you are cooking, the oven temperature drops by 25°F to 75°F (and has to heat back up again). Use a timer if the oven door does not have a window.
  55. You can lower your shopping gas bill with and
  56. Join NetFlix. If you regularly rent movies from the video store or go to the theater, joining Netflix could save you a hefty sum. If you REALLY like going to the movie theater, go before 6:00 p.m.
  57. Use your own bank's ATM! Last year consumers spent nearly 4.5 BILLION on ATM fees.
  58. Sell your gift cards. How many times have you been given a certificate or gift card to a store where you don’t shop or that’s nowhere close to your home? Don’t let that card take up space in your wallet- sell it! You can turn those gift cards into cash by selling them on eBay or (a secure website where you can buy, sell or trade unwanted or unused gift cards).
  59. For college textbooks, the bookstore can cost you an arm and a leg. I never bought books from my college bookstore. I bought it from, or eBay, or Amazon.
  60. Consider the library for books, music and movies. It is FREE.
  61. Eat out less often.
  62. Price check. If you have your eye on ANY product, including specific model appliances, visit or and compare prices from both online and offline retailers.
  63. Hold the mother of all garage sales. If you haven't used it in six months, chances are you can do without.
  64. No pet pampering. Does your dog need those pricey snacks? Does your cat need acupuncture? I don't think so.
  65. Never pay full price. If you must shop, discover the online world of discount Web sites. EBay, and are excellent sources of "lightly used" goods-everything from books to cars to clothes to office furniture.
(Adopted from an email that a friend of mine sent me today! Thanks, Marjorie Findlay! Good work!)

Lame Excuses for Missing Church

It's my blog, so I can say what I want, right? I am growing tired of the lame excuses that people have for missing church.

I think that people miss church way too often and way too easy!!
I think that there is limitless value in being faithful to the community of faith that you are a part of. It builds unity, keeps you connected, allows you to serve consistently and it keeps your spiritual heart beating with the heart of your church.
I hear so many reasons for people not being at church. Most of them are just lame. Period! And then they wonder why they don't feel connected or feel far from God?!?! We have many twice-a-monthers at CCF and I am fully aware that we are not the only church with this.
So here's my feeling. I have been saying this for years now. In my opinion, there are 2 good reasons to miss church. (They both involve your body):
  1. Your Body is sick. (or your young kid)
  2. Your Body is out of town.
Now, there may be a few other rare ones, but my point is still the same...if God called you to be at your church, then be at your church!
If this is a word for you, then receive it. If this is a word for someone else you know (at our church or another one), then considering having the courage to send this to them.

God's Time. God's Topics.

I think that one of the things that we need to learn as we learn to communicate with God is this:

God chooses the time and the topic! His desires need to trump ours. We are playing by his rules. He is God! I think that we can get too familiar with the Lord sometimes and think that we are setting the agenda.

God may not always want to discuss the same topic as you.

You may want to talk about your occupation. He may want to raise an issue about your attitude.

You may want to discuss your future. He may want to strengthen your faith and talk future later.

You may want a WHY and he may just want you to TRUST!

You may want OUT of what he wants you IN!

In fact, I even think that there are times that you want to talk, while he just wants you to be quiet.

Oh, and one more thing...

I believe that God always reserves the right to remain silent. He may just want you to sit and be quiet. He may just want you to BE!

"Be still and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10

The Nines. Tomorrow!!

Tomorrow is 9/9/09.

There is a sweet leadership conference/event that is taking place beginning at 9am Central time...
It is called "THE NINES"!!
There are over 70 well known Christian Leaders that will take 9 minutes to share ONE thing.
It is Free!
The Staff of CCF, perhaps a few local Pastors, and maybe one of YOU are going to gather in the Worship Center at CCF for this event all day tomorrow.
YOU ARE INVITED!! If you are available tomorrow (even for half a day), you are invited to come join us!
Email me or Facebook message me if you plan to come.
Here is a sneak peak of some of the speakers:

  • Mark Beeson
  • Scott Hodge
  • Perry Noble
  • Dino Rizzo
  • Nancy Beach
  • Steven Furtick
  • Reggie McNeal
  • Craig Groeschel
  • Leonard Sweet
  • Greg Surratt
  • Neil Cole
  • Reggie Joiner
  • Mark Batterson
  • Brian McLaren
  • John Ortberg
  • Alan Hirsch
  • Ed Stetzer
  • Mark Driscoll
  • Rick Warren
  • More…
See you there??

Married or Engaged?

If you are married or engaged and are a part of Capital Christian Fellowship OR live near CCF and want to be a part of something incredibly special....

Mark your calendars for next Saturday evening, Sept. 19th at 8:00pm in the Upper Room at CCF!
Married Life Live!
  • Low lights
  • Light refreshments
  • Romantic Live Music (love songs)
  • Hilarious media
  • Games for couples
  • A Meaningful Talk about the importance of "Hurrying Home"
See you there!

Sunday Afternoon Download

Just feel like downloading some thoughts, ideas, joys and updates today! Randomness with no connection, really. Here goes:

  1. I was so excited to preach this morning that I could barely sleep last night! Started our series called "Whispers". (May post some of my notes later.)
  2. I thought that they service this morning was amazing! From worship to the engaging that people were doing with the Word! Yes! Awesome!!
  3. I am frustrated and disappointed by our numbers. PLEASE come to church and invite others. God is fixing to do some special things in this church and you/they need to be here for it. Where is everybody?!?!
  4. I am super excited to resume next week with "Whispers"! (image below)
  5. We said goodbye to Tricia's Odyssey on Friday. We sold it to Carmax (who really pays well for used cars, by the way). We just do not need it and need to simplify our financial house where we can. (see below as a sad Tricia says goodbye to her van)
  6. Then, we said hello to a new Scooter. 75-100Mpg and a whole lot of fun for a slim cost (pic below)! I will drive the scooter (local and good weather) and an old truck I recently acquired from my Dad (an Explorer...pic below). It's a family heirloom. I took it to prom when it was new!
  7. Gave Tricia my Avalon. Sniff sniff. Wipe Tear. But the scooter IS fun, I must say! And I think that Tricia may let me drive the Avalon from time to time. And yes, she will drive the scooter too!
  8. Looking forward to a little Labor Day action tomorrow. Gonna fire that grill up like I like.
  9. Really getting excited about Married Life Live at CCF on Saturday, 9/19 at 8pm! Just had another planning meeting today after church. We may be rocking some Sinatra. Good times. (Image Below)
  10. Friend Sunday is in 2 weeks. We're calling it Flapjack Friend Day. Read more about it my post from earlier this week. (flier below)
  11. On Friend Day, I will begin a series called "Pursuit"! Looking forward to that series, too. (Series Image below)
  12. God is calling the Staff of CCF to new places spiritually. We feel the call to seek Him like never before. It blesses my heart to think of what God is about to do through this!

The Pancake Curiosity

This has been kind of funny, I have to admit. People are asking all kinds of questions. Some people are confused.

What is the deal with the pancakes and how do they relate to Friend Day?
Are we going to eat pancakes? Or is this just the visual for the event?
Huh? What's a flapjack?
If we are eating pancakes, is it before church or after church?
Let me help bring some clarity. Here is what you need to know:
  • Flapjack Friend Day is Sunday, September 20th!
  • Invite and bring people that DO NOT GO TO OR HAVE A CHURCH and/or may not be "into" God.
  • Arrive at 10:00-10:15 for a cup of Java.
  • Service will start at 10:30am as usual.
  • We will worship the Lord and I will begin a teaching series called "Pursuit" that morning. It will CCF as usual (not some false display of who we are not, because we have guests).
  • After service, we will all head to the gym for a FREE "Breakfast for Lunch"! I am sure that many of you have had breakfast food at different hours of the day. Well, that is what we are doing.
  • Our Fellowship Team will serve eggs and sausage.
  • Our Small Groups will be cooking at various fresh pancake stations.
  • We will eat and hang out with friends from about 12- til whenever.
  • You need to bring NOTHING but your friends and your expectation for a great day.
See you then!! Invitations for the event will be available for you to pick up at the welcome center over the next 2 Sundays.

Turn Our Eyes Upon Jesus

God is calling me to know him like never before. The stakes seem higher and higher as the days go on. I MUST hear from Him and lead out of that. I am tired of good ideas. I want GOD ideas. I am tired of sicking man on stuff. I want to turn the spirit of God loose on stuff!!

There is a lot that the Lord is revealing to me these days (because I am spending time with Him like never before). More than I am ready to share...that's for sure. But, here is one thing that I AM ready to tell you.
I am tired of leading out of my own strength. I am able to admit that I have done too much of that over the years. I am sorry for that. I have repented. That is changing. Now. I want to lead out of God's strength. What is HE saying? As I will share this Sunday in my message, HE IS STILL SPEAKING!!! What is HE saying for me, my family and Capital Christian Fellowship. And what is He saying to you?
If I am hearing one thing right now, it is that I am to keep seeking the face of God. Keep striving to know the heart of God. Keep letting him hold me at his side and speak over me. Then, I will listen and do what HE says.
And as we we seek we turn our eyes upon Jesus...the things of this earth seem to grow strangely dim! I love this old song. God has put it in my spirit and I just keep singing it over and over again:

Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face,
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
In the light of His glory and grace.

Do It Again

Pastor TC preached an excellent message on Sunday entitled "Do It Again!"

Several of the insights that he pulled out of this passage were rich! But, his main idea was what I thought was so relevant!
After Simon Peter and the guys had fished all night and caught nothing, Jesus show up and demands that they go back out again with Him. They were sure that this would yield nothing, but they yielded to Jesus anyway. As a result, they caught a ridiculous amount of fish. So much that it was breaking their nets and sinking their boats.
So, what's the point?
Do it again!!!
Lord, I have tried to fix my marriage! Maybe you need to do it again!
God, I have applied for that job and 1o others. Maybe you need to do it again!
Jesus, I attempted that idea before. Maybe you need to do it again!
Father, I tried to go back to school before. Maybe you need to do it again!
God, I already made the effort to heal that broken relationship. Maybe you need to do it again!
You may think you are the expert on fishing, marriage or your life, but you are not! If God says do it again, you may want to do it again....regardless of your knee-jerk excuse.
You may know what Jesus DID! But you DO NOT know what Jesus WILL DO!
Do it again!