35 More Days

All of the sudden I fell really, really ready for our vacation. We are leaving in 35 days for a journey in oceanography. The host for the trip will be a company called Carnival! We have been looking forward to this. We love to cruise! Putting in long hours these days. March-May are busy times in church life. The upcoming break will be well needed and well used. Meanwhile, we press on...

I wish I could tell you!

Just returned from an afternoon of filming for my video message this Sunday. It was a stinkin' blast! We were all over the place! I want so badly to tell you more, but my video crew would kill me because it would give too much away for Sunday! Oh well, I guess you will have to come Sunday to check it out yourself! It should be really cool...for you! For me...not so cool! Who likes watching themselves on video? Smile.

The Economy

My senses have been very heightened over the last few weeks to the state of our economy. It seems that everywhere I turn, every TV report and every radio report speaks of the grim economic place that we are in as a nation. If it's not health care, it's gas prices. If it's not bankruptcy, it's foreclosure. If it's not talk of recession, it's mass layoffs and unemployment. I heard about each of these on the radio today just on my 20 minute round trip commute.

I have family that are struggling and friends that are afraid for their future. I just ran into an old friend at Bowie Town Center tonight who has had to pick up another job on top of teaching. She is not the only person that I know that has had to or is about to work 2 jobs. People in our church have lost their jobs and homes or are on the verge.

Just this afternoon, I met with 2 Pastors of a 1,500+ member church who are in the middle of a 25 million dollar building project as a church. All progress has halted! The building is 92% done and sitting there untouched. No more money. Waiting on possible new loan approval by May 10th. These are just a few of the realities that I recognize as I observe and listen.

Some questions flood my spirit tonight. Questions like:

  • What can I do?
  • What could we do as the church of Jesus Christ?
  • How should the church (CCF and beyond) be speaking and ministering to people during these unsettled times?
  • How much do we really know? How many people are hiding the seriousness of their financial and emotional pain as a result of embarrassment.

I certainly have more questions than I do answers tonight. A few immediate answers that come to my mind seem too "cliche-ish" to even share. I am seeking the Lord in prayer about these questions. I want to pray more and I invite you to as well. And I want to discern how we might publicly address these realities more directly from the pulpit. There is power in naming our struggles.

Lord, you are indeed Jehovah Jireh. You always have been and you always will be. Help these time to convince us all more deeply to trust in you as our source!

Some Days...

...I cannot believe that I get the privilege of doing what I love so much! I love the ministry and I truly love what I do! Some days....I wouldn't feel like writing this. But, today I do! Honestly, I count it such an amazing privilege to serve the Lord in full-time Christian Service...especially at a church as wonderful and loaded with potential as Capital Christian Fellowship!

Thank you Lord for your call and your favor!

Video Message

I love firsts. This week I will be filming my first video message. I am very excited about it. I have known for along time that I wanted to do this, and I am glad that the time is here. I am getting really jazzed about this Sunday's message as I open our "Momentum" series. Pray for Pastor Mike and myself this week. He is helping with the filming and editing. I love new challenges. We will wait until the sun comes up to get behind the camera.


A few bulleted thoughts before bed...

  • A few weeks ago we had a yard sale during which I connected in some neat ways to people in our neighborhood. Of course, I invited them to church. Well, this morning, one of them was at church! A lady in my neighborhood and her daughter....I did a double take when I saw her. So cool!
  • Great morning services. Dynamic worship, strong message and a baby dedication with a record number of friends and family on the stage for support (followed by an incredible meal and experience....fyi....a Portuguese get-together is a must see).
  • Adventures in Prayer tonight was a blessing. It was a genuine time of seeking the Lord. I sincerely appreciated spending over 30 minutes in consecutive prayer around the room. So often we say bookend prayers. It is so nice to just dwell!
  • Finally...I almost forgot to tell you....I had the privilege this evening of inviting a cop to church! I figured if he and I were going to spend time on the side of Greenbelt Road, I might as well invite him to come spend time with us at CCF!

Three 2 Hour Meetings!

My day today consisted of three 2 hour meetings back to back. Add in travel time to each meeting (each was in a different location) and there goes the day!

However, it was a day well spent! I met with 3 of our Executive Board Members for some personal conversation and sharing (that we do not get enough of) and to discuss implementation strategy for our purpose. I got to be in 2 of their homes and each of the meetings were a very special time together.

I thank God today for Henrietta Ogunfolaji, Alton Garder and Wilmer Good. Each serves the board and the Lord with all their hearts. More and more, I am more and more thankful for the good people that the Lord is assembling at CCF!

Glory to God!

Buying Peace

Pastor Nelson's message on Sunday morning provoked me to look at John 14 again throughout this week. Something powerful struck me. Pastor Nelson dwelled on the words at the end of verse 27..."do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."

Today, I was looking at the earlier portion of verse 27..."Peace I leave with you, my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives."

So, here is what hit me in a new way. Jesus wants to GIVE US PEACE!! I cannot think of anything much more valuable than a real peace with God. It is so precious....yet you can't buy it anywhere. It is a gift from Jesus! Hollywood stars and millionaires die with absolutely NO PEACE, literally laying in piles of money.

This is what I love about a faith journey with the Living God! Found in a relationship with Jesus Christ are treasures and gifts that no amount of money could ever buy! I am thankful for that today. So, on those days where there is very little money sitting in the bank until that next paycheck (and Tricia and I know full well about those days), remember how rich you are in Christ Jesus.

Receive His gift of peace today.

Jaye Day

Today is Administrative Professionals Day. Here at CCF, we have called it "Jaye Day". Jaye Lindo serves as our Director of Operations. Basically, she is an administrative assistant to our entire staff.

We are so blessed to have Jaye here! She is warm, loving, relational, loyal and supportive. She is the one that so many people rave about when they reference the NICE LADY WHO ANSWERS THE PHONES!

One last thing....she hates that I am writing this. I know she will read this blog entry and call me....but I am doing it anyway.

Comment if you love Jaye!

Drive 08

Just yesterday, I heard about an awesome conference called Drive 08 down in Atlanta put on by North Point Church, Pastor Any Stanley (picture left). This is a church that I follow. They are really doing some fabulous ministry and have a similar DNA to what CCF is becoming.

Here lies the problem...it is coming up soon....in 12 days! And registration is closed. I had someone pull a few strings for us and we are in (there were 3 spaces left)! Pastor Nelson, Pastor Mike and I will be traveling down to Atlanta for the Drive Conference on May 5-7.

Check out the website for the conference by clicking here. Looking forward to what we will glean for the Kingdom's sake and to the time of relationship building as a team!

How fast can you get here?

Those were the words on the other end of the phone this afternoon! I need you to get here ASAP! Leave now! It was a friend and local Pastor....Keith Battle, Senior Pastor of Zion Church in Largo. Zion is a rapidly growing 2,000 member church. Keith is a personal friend. He taught me Bible in High School at Lanham Christian School. Keith is one of the most gifted leaders I know.

So, back to my story...when I heard the urgency in his voice I knew that I needed to head right out the door and that he must need me. I literally ran to my car and scooted up the road. He called me 5 times while I was on my way (no exaggeration). Guess why he needed me there? To meet someone that he thought looked just like me!!! Are you kidding me?

Maybe the true reason was to spend some time together...we spent the next hour talking and scheduled an afternoon together for next week. It was so good to see Keith today!
Wished I could have blogged earlier today. Several things on my heart, just no time to share them. Started my day today with a great quiet time and workout. That always starts the day on the right foot. Preached twice this morning at a local Christian School. Had several other meeting and a great, energetic staff meeting this afternoon. Our team is really gelling in great ways!

...enjoyed our evening and will be back at it tomorrow.


Revolving Door

I have back to back meetings today starting at 7am and ending at 9pm. I will take a 3-4 hour afternoon break for an eye doctor appointment and a quick dinner with the family. Now, on to the revolving door.

Hope your week jumps off to a great start. Be encouraged in your faith and strong in your commitment to integrity. I recently began praying for you, my blog readers. Pray for me too as I pray for you.


Car Blessing

Until I came to CCF, I never heard of a car blessing. Well, not only have I done several house blessings for people in our congregation (which are very meaningful by the way), I have also been asked on numerous occasions to perform car blessings. Yes, you heard that right. Especially for some of our International Brothers and Sisters, this is very meaningful for them, culturally. You may wonder what exactly you do in a car blessing. We just go outside in the church parking lot at their request and we gather around the vehicle and thank God for His great provision, ask Him to schedule divine appointments in the vehicle, increase family bonds and transport the person/family safely to the places that God has destined them to go. Then, we bless it in the name of Jesus understanding that every good gift comes from our Father and provider.

That said, today's car blessing was over a 2008 Mercedes Benz ML500! Can you say beautiful?!?! After the prayer of blessing, I almost felt like I needed to pray a prayer of repentance for envy and lust over this vehicle.


The Capital

I just realized that I never posted the April Capital on my blog...which I like to do each month. To check it out click here.

Also, I am in Capital mode this afternoon as I prepare my submissions for our editor which are due Tuesday. If you have any good ideas of things that you think should make it in the MAY Capital, leave a comment here or email Michelle Ferrando at michelleferrando@capitalchristian.org.
