"The bigger, the smaller" and "The more, the less"

Sometimes I throw some things out here that I am still testing and learning. Over the last few years, I have noticed a tremendous amount of (positive) change in the culture of CCF. It has been an amazing journey to see the transitions in an established congregation.

Here are a few things that I have read about and been told about, but seeing it happen before my eyes has been more powerful (in a good way). Again, I am still testing some of this, but I am beginning to think that:

The more open and communicative leaders are (even about bad stuff), the less suspicious people are of them. This is one of the reasons I blog! People just want to know what's up.

The bigger a church gets, the smaller the business meetings get! One Lead Pastor recently told me that when they were 50 people, 50 people came to the Business meetings. Now that they are 1,200, 20 people come to the business meeting. And this is a very healthy church, trust me!

The more a church grows and produces fruit, the less people feel the need to be involved in every decision. When trust increases, need for control decreases.

Basically, here is my developing theory: If a church is healthy, the more it grows, the less people feel the need to be involved in vision decisions, ministry decisions, business meetings, etc. The larger you get, the more people want to just be discipled, make relationships and help make the vision happen!! They trust the leaders more and let them lead (unlike many small churches where people think that they need to do the leading and make all the decisions themselves). Let me know if you find a healthy church of over 500 with a congregational rule where the people make all the decisions. The larger you get, the fewer people are at the table to make the decisions, but the right people must be there!

Disclaimer: this post is not intended to advocate for dictatorial leadership, which is not Biblical, rather it is advocating for healthy leadership where the right people are at the table at the right times. Additionally, good leaders are always listening!!

Let's Talk About Sex

Okay. I posted this link last night from Twitter. However, I am not sure how many of you actually click on Twitter links, so I am popping this on my blog too. It is worth it. This is one one of the funniest posts that I have read since I entered the Blogosphere! Hi-lar-ious!

It is an account of a Mother's conversation with her kids about sex. Thankfully, Tricia and I are still a few years away from this. Enjoy.

Click Here.

Social Networking

I am seeing a lot of stuff happen on the social network horizon. For those at CCF, you have heard me preach this before, but I believe that people are created for community...to relate to other people! It is just how we are all wired as people created in the image of a relational God. Many people (young and old, America and around the world) are doing community differently than they used to. Many are doing community online through social networking channels. We can dislike it and refuse to acknowledge it or we can wake up and leverage it.

I continually advocate that we leverage technology for redeeming purposes. I am sick and tired of handing things over to the enemy for his use. We need to hold on to all that we can for the glory of God. We are all in trouble if we just start handing everything that the enemy wants over to him. The heck with that.

Let me just say this straight up! I feel that online social community and networking is allowing relationships and connections to form that are meaningful and pleasing the Lord! I am loving connecting with people on Facebook, Twitter, this blog, etc. I am seeing the online tools being used to grow relationships, evangelize and encourage each other throughout the week.

More on this later....

(By the way...are you on Facebook? Invite me to be your friend, if we aren't already friends!!)

Now Go Forward!

David Eshleman is our former Pastor and Bishop and is now a church consultant and author! His first book "Now Go Forward" came off the press last week and was for sale at CCF yesterday!

You can buy it at church over the next few weekends.

Or you an purchase it online by clicking here!

For five decades, J. David Eshleman’s passion has been to bring unchurched people to healthy congregations. By encouraging and equipping believers and pastors to reach out to neighbors in the communities around their church buildings, Eshleman has helped numerous churches grow from a few dozen members to, in some cases, several hundred. This book challenges congregations to make disciples not just around the world but in their own backyards.

Thank You

I read these words in scripture this morning and felt inspired to thank few people:

Colossians 1:3 says "I thank my God every time I think of you."

Well, it may not be totally true to tell you that I thank God for you EVERY time I think of you, but certainly MANY of the times.

Here is what came to my heart again this morning. It risks sounding so Cliche, but here goes: This ordination this morning would not be happening without some of the people that the Lord has placed in my life. This morning I want to say THANK YOU!

  • Thank you Tricia, my love. This is what has continually been on my heart as I anticipated this morning. People are not going to move forward in fruitful ministry without the love and support a godly spouse. So, here is my deal....Proverbs 31 poses a question: "A wife of noble character, who can find?" The answer: Noah can!! And he did!
  • Thank you Mom and Dad for funding the start of this journey and for shaping me as a boy and for STILL shaping me as a man and for as long as you live.
  • Thank you sisters and brother (if I do not clump you together, this post will become a book). I am unusually blessed to have one brother and 3 sisters within ten miles of me. They have been ridiculously supportive in this journey. Many trips to PA, many Sunday and CCF, a wedding in NY. A special shout out to my brother who has stood beside me in ministry as one heck of a right hand man. When it comes to ministry, the dude often knows what I am thinking before I do!
  • Finally, allow me to just list some of the people that I am deeply thankful for that have shaped my call and development as a leader. Even though I will not write much here, each of these people have been tools of God in my life:
  1. Bill Fuergeson (Childhood Pastor)
  2. Dorothy & Francis Furgang (Elder couple that sowed into me as a child)
  3. David Eshleman (needs no explanation)
  4. Lew Good (needs no explanation)
  5. Keith Battle (HS Teacher, now Pastor)
  6. Pam McComb (HS Teacher)
  7. Glenn & Helen Hurst (MY CCF Youth Leaders)
  8. Angie Williams (one of the many that prophecied ministry over my life)
  9. Paul Lynn (My College Dean of Men whose role I later filled)
  10. Dan Mortensen (VFCC Supervisor and VP of Student Life and Friend and Mentor)
  11. Paul Mutchler (Pastor and Ministry Friend)
  12. Jaye Lindo (See last week's post..Yall don't know how Jaye shapes me)
  13. Nelson Okanaya (An amazing teammate who has balanced and complimented my leadership and discipled me as much as I have him!)
  14. Thurman Custis (TC has been a more important part of this CCF ministry season that he knows)
  15. Joel Arata (everybody needs a friend like this....especially every Pastor. Joel has not missed a beat in my life over the last 15 years!)

The problem with what I just did is that I KNOW that I have missed people here. The Lord has been so good to me and has sent people into my life time and time again.

I just have to say THANK YOU!

"I thank my God every time I think of you!" Col. 1:3


It is so hard to put the call of God on my life into words. Let me try a brief explanation of it in short phrases (or I will type too long).

  • Set apart by God for a purpose even before birth. (Jer. 1:5)
  • "Called" into Christian Ministry at 12 years old at an altar in Lanham, MD.
  • Call was confirmed by many people throughout the next 6 years! God was afraid I would forget that I had to go into ministry.
  • Never gave 10 seconds thought to any other option. I was to give my life to God for his purposes.
  • Looked at Christian Colleges.
  • Went to Valley Forge Christian College.
  • Worked at Valley Forge Christian College.
  • Served as Associate Pastor at CCF.
  • Serving now as Lead Pastor at CCF.
  • The story is still being written.

I consider the call of God on my life as something he dictated, the highest honor, a treasure to be invested for return, the only thing that I can do, a blessing of favor, a weight of responsibility and more humbling than anything I can imagine.

This Sunday, April 26th, I will be ordained. Two popular questions have been:

  1. What is ordination?
  2. I thought you were already ordained?

I was credentialed and licensed to pastor, marry and bury, I was not ordained.

Ordination in the Mennonite Church is is an event announcing the confirmation of a lifetime call to ministry (no ring, no robe, no throne chair). It is done after the leader has served faithfully for a period of time, not fresh out of graduation. It takes place once people have observed the leader leading and can affirm that the call of God is truly on them and at work! It is happening at the invitation of my Bishop, Glenn Kauffman and with the blessing and enthusiastic affirmation of CCF and our Conference. The first week of June marks 5 years of ministry at Capital Christian Fellowship.

Sunday will be a meaningful day for me, Tricia, my parents, the church and some of you who are friends that have walked with me. I consider this experience Sunday to be a high honor and I would love to have you there. If you can come, come!

David Eshleman will be preaching. He is my Pastor as a teenager, my predecessor, my former bishop, the man who allowed me to preach for the first time in 1996 and he is my friend!

Thanks to each of you for the role you have played in this whole thing!


It's Jaye Day!!!

Today is deemed Administrative Professionals Day! Here at CCF, we call it Jaye Day. Jaye Lindo is our main administrator/Director of Operations at CCF. She has been on staff for almost 4 years now!! We love her. We are thankful for her! Ask her sometime to tell you what she does here. If she can answer it in a sentence, I will buy you lunch. She does so much!

Something personal that I have never written here: God told Jaye that she was to work with me. Yes, me. Not CCF. I am STILL not uncomfortable with that. Why me? Who am I that the Lord would send someone to me? Well, after 4 years of squirming in that, I have a lot more peace. I am strating to see why! Jaye is my right hand woman, left arm, my brain when I need one and a joy in my life!

A few more shout outs to others at CCF in administrative seats:

  • Michelle Ferando, Bookeeper! She is rocking it in her role! So thankful for Michelle!
  • Anna Mae Hess, volunteer receptionist who is as faithful as an employee!
  • Brigitte Young, volunteer receptionist. Servant and blessing to us time and time again.
  • Carrol Grizzle, Treasuer. Learing the ropes and doing it well!
  • Hope I am not missing anyone. If I am, then consider yourself appreciated!

Leave a comment of appreciation for Jaye or any of the others!

Baltimore Murder Impacts CCF Partners

It is with great sadness that I share this news with you. About a half hour ago I received a call from Sadie Bianco (formerly Colletti), a partner at CCF. She informed me that the terrible alleged murder suicide of a family of four in a hotel room in Towson Monday was her husband Rich’s cousin and her family. The just found out through the news release of names yesterday. Rich has very little family remaining. This family of 4 was half of his living family. They were very, very close. To put it in perspective, they were on there was to visit Rich and Sadie yesterday and today! Since I married Rich and Sadie, I even remember meeting this dear family at their wedding in 2006. I can clearly remember their flower girl Catherine (9 at the time), who was one of the victims in this tragedy.

Rich and Sadie are totally devastated as we cannot begin to imagine. They are waiting on more info about the bodies. I am waiting on a call back about what we can DO (other than pray). But, here is what we know we can do. We can pray fervently and passionately for Sadie, Rich and this entire family and situation. The oldest daughter was a Loyola Student. That campus needs prayer for peace too. They all need the peace of God, because they obviously lack understanding. Who would understand this?

I read several of the news articles. Here are 2 that seem to give appropriate information:

Click here for one on MSNBC.

Click here for the one in the Baltimore Sun.

With a heavy heart for a couple I care a lot about,

Pastor Noah

Falling in Love

This is a very random post, but it is one of my soap boxes that I have wanted to share with you. I will give it to you straight. It will not speak to some of you. Others, it will. Some of you may not like it. I am ok with that.

I am not sure that I believe that there is such a thing as "falling in love". And yes, my wife knows that I think this! (I DO believe in romance and passion and dating your wife and all that good stuff). I hear people talking about "faCheck Spellinglling in love" and "being in love" all the time and it leaves me frustrated. I hear single people rationalizing stupid decision because they are "in love". I listen while married people tell me that they are just not "in love" anymore. What the heck is that supposed to mean? I think that this way of seeing love is stolen fresh out of Hollywood and off the radio and it's fake.

Falling in love? Makes it sound like you just sort of trip and accidentally land in a big fluffy pile of love. Yeah, ok, right (read sarcastically). I do not believe that real love is discovered one day by accident, but that it is lived out every day on purpose! Truly loving your spouse is shown through years of strong commitment, sacrifice, integrity and faithfulness to the promises you made. True love is not an emotion, a feeling, a goose bump or physical arousal. It is waking up everyday and loving your spouse the way that Jesus loves you. And then doing it again tomorrow. Whether you FEEL like it or not. True love is not based on butterflies and thrill, it is based on doing life with integrity even when those things are gone....and loving doing it!

Here is my personal opinion of what "falling in love" means:

  • We just met.
  • We have probably been together less than 6 months.
  • I am passionately attracted to them and wanna fly when they touch me.
  • We have not started fighting yet.
  • This feels more thrilling than the other person I was with.
  • It's great to finally feel what they feel in the movies and on TV.

The above description is someone in heat, not in love!

Single people: Wait one year before you determine whether you are "in love."

Married people: Do not chase a Soap Opera love story for your marriage. It is not the way it is nor should it be! If you are getting "bored in your marriage," there are a lot of great things to do to liven it up. Longing to "fall in love" again and finding that somewhere else will ruin your life, not liven it up!

What are your thoughts on this? Leave a comment.

A Good Idea, a God Idea

We all get ideas. We get a vision. We develop a plan. We get excited. We are convinced that it is a good one. A great one! We are emotionally charged about it. The last thing in the world that we want is for someone else to dislike it, stop it, or criticize it. So, we either:

  1. Do not share it with anyone and just do it because this idea is so good that there is no chance that we could be wrong.
  2. We share it and get defensive or hurt if someone challenges it in any way for fear that they may shut it down or stop it. (So, we trump them...making the fact that we even asked them nullified.)

I have tried both! I actually tried number 2 this morning with our staff. Then, 5 minutes later, I realized what I did and apologized for it. It is my conviction that rare is the idea/vision that is so final that no one else can speak to it. On the other hand, running everything by everyone is bad too! Trust me. I've tried that. Here are a few of the things that I have seen happen when I share a vision with a few trusted people. I think these things can actually make a good idea, a God idea:

  • Builds relational integrity. It shows people that they matter. That what they have to say matters. That you are a listening leader.
  • Your vision just gets better. People find holes that you missed. They anticipate challenges with you before you are put on the spot with them later and look like a darn fool.
  • Then, they own it with you. All someone needs to do is assist with even one small adjustment to an idea or a plan and you will be amazed how they feel connected to the project and advocate for it. Then, it's bought by many instead of being sold by one!

What about your life? Does any of this apply? Do you ever see yourself dealing with this? What else have you learned in these situations?

Some Sunday Afternoon Thoughts

Feel like blogging a few thoughts. But, don't look for any connections in my ramblings. They are just a few of the things on my heart. Random stuff.

  • Preached the 3rd of our 6 "Staying Connected" messages this morning! "Staying Connected" is our spring message and small group theme. Today was on "Staying Connected When Relationships Go South."
  • We hung out in Galatians 6:1-10. Talked about how we support each other in burden sharing. Some burdens are meant to be shared, some are meant to be shouldered and some are meant to be shed. Lord, give us the wisdom to know when to do which!
  • Visiting Reid Temple this morning was a great experience! A few brief comments....it is a Methodist Church! Not sure how I forgot that, but it was liturgical, traditional, say this, chant that, stand, sit, reading, prayer, etc. But mixed into all that was great media, an amazing facility, a warm welcome, and a gospel choir that made me want to weep and dance in the spirit. WOW!! I lie you not! They were fantastic!
  • I am pretty excited that I will be ordained next Sunday. I feel love and affirmation from the church and the conference. Thank you for that! I plan to write about my call to ministry soon.
  • I have 2 short and 1 long paper due 4/27 to complete my current Masters Class (the one I was at in February). 4/27 is next Monday. My goal: to complete and submit all 3 papers by this Tuesday night at bedtime. Pray for me please that I meet this goal.
  • I am sleepy! I need a nap. Gonna do that now and then dive in to paper writing.

Peace & Love!

Make a BIG DEAL!

Here is a core value of my parenting journey thus far:

Make a BIG DEAL out of the SMALL THINGS, but the RIGHT THINGS!

That does not mean, make a big deal out of their mistakes. That does not mean overreact unnecessarily when they mess up. I am not an advocate for the whole mountain out of molehill thing.

Here is what I mean:

Ooh and ahhh with them over their firsts! First zoo trip, first Ferris wheel ride, first honor roll, first time on the stage at church or school...you get the point. Make a big deal out of small things. Why? Because they ARE a big deal to our kids!

It's the same thing that the Lord does for us. He regularly says..."If it is important to you, then it's important to me. If it is a big deal to you, then it is a big deal to me!"

Well, this morning, Davis experienced his first sunrise at the beach with his Daddy. We ooh'd and ah'd and made a big deal out of it! I LOVE SUNRISES! Here are a few of the pics. I love the one that I accidentally caught of the bird. God is so good to show us his glory every single morning.

Update on Today

I have received a number of texts and emails from caring friends inquiring about how today went. Here is a brief update:

  • Drinking 4 liters of the DISGUSTING slimy crap solution was terrible!
  • I could have set up an office in the bathroom last night and this morning. Is that TMI?
  • But, the procedure was a breeze. I got knocked out and took an awesome nap while the doc did his thing.
  • Woke up feeling violated. ;-)
  • They did find a Polyp. They removed it and it will be tested for cancer. I will know more in 7-10 days. They seemed to think that it will not be cancerous.
  • Otherwise, all is well!
  • I am tired, will turn in early and wake up good as new tomorrow.

Thanks for your love, care and prayer.


My Health

Going to share very personally here. If you do not care about my health or are grossed out by medical stuff, come back tomorrow.
Every time I see any doctor or am checked out, I hear the same thing. Everything looks great, Mr. Kaye. Great vitals, BP, etc. You are just fat. Loose weight! (Well, they do not call me fat....they call me obese....which, by the way sounds worse if you ask me). I feel like I have been hearing that since I was in the womb. Been heavy my whole life.

Well, over the last few months I have been having blood appear in my stool semi-regularly. As a result, the Doc is having me get a colonoscopy tomorrow. Needless to say, I am not too happy about it. Clear liquids only today. Nothing at all tomorrow. And the procedure is not until tomorrow afternoon. Anyway, I think that everything will be fine. I feel normal. Do I look it? ;-)

In addition, I have a bulging disc and a herniated disc in my spine. Every so often my back really acts up on me. I live with some minor pain most days.

Why am I sharing this with you?

  • So you know this part of me.
  • So you can pray with and for me.
  • So you know why I am walking funny some days. ;-)
  • So you can encourage and push me to take care of myself. I am not afraid to be honest about my health and I am not defensive or hurt when people push me to be healthier. I know that it is because you love me.
  • To model transparency. We all have issues physically, emotionally, spiritually, etc. We just share them so little that people think that they are alone.


Upset that they are building churches next to us?

Never counted, but there are pretty good collection of churches on Rt. 193 (our road). There are 4 churches within 3 traffic lights. That was BEFORE they started building 2 more!

  1. Abundant Life Church is building at the corner of Forbes and 193...just 2-3 blocks up the street on the same side as us.
  2. Christ Dominion Church is about to start building in our front yard! They bought the 1.5 acres for sale immediately to the west of our entrance (yes, the land that we had placed a contract on in 2007...they did not accept our offer).

First, let me say this:

Some of you are noticing these churches and kinda asking questions. Questions like:

  • Why so many churches?
  • Will this hurt us?
  • Aren't there too many churches in one area?
  • What do I/we think about these new churches going up around us?
  • Are we upset over this?

I have been meaning to address this on my blog. Here are a few initial reactions/feelings that the Lord has been placing in me:

  • The truth is this: my original reactions and feelings were not as positive or Christlike as they should have been. God has dealt with me.
  • Now, I am thrilled that they are moving in.
  • Would to God that every piece of land for sale in this city, state and nation be sold to a church!
  • Until there are no lost people in PG county, we need more churches!
  • These churches are not being built by accident. They are in God's providence. I am pretty sure that God was not surprised or jealous when they broke ground.
  • They are not our competition, they are our companions.
  • If I have any influence over it, we will be networking and ministering together for the glory of God! Who knows what is ahead.
  • We will welcome them to our neighborhood and share our findings. They will learn from us and we will learn from them.

The Baltimore-Washington Metro areas have over 8 million people, the 4th largest in the nation! Of that population, it it intensely diverse.

I say this: lots of different people will require lots of different churches to reach them all!

So, keep building!!!