I am having lunch with Rick Warren in 2 weeks!

Ran into a cool opportunity today (in my spare time). I found out on another Pastor's Blog that I frequent (Mark Batterson's Evotional) that Rick Warren will be in town for a Prayer Breakfast on February 4th. Since Mark has mad hook-ups, he landed Rick for a Lunch with just Lead Pastors at Ebenezer's Coffeehouse on Capitol Hill in DC. When I saw the opportunity, I jumped on it and was accepted (as was my friend Ben who is church planting...CCF supports Ben's ministry).

I will be spending time with Rick Warren and and other great leaders on February 4th, Lord willing! I am excited for this.

(In case you do not know Rick Warren, he is the Pastor of Saddleback Church and the Author of the Best Seller, "The Purpose Driven Life.")

Please Pray for Kenya!!

Pray for Kenya! We have received word that the situation in Kenya has become increasingly serious. We learned from EMM (Eastern Mennonite Missions) that Clair and Beth Good (Friends of Pastor Nelson and EMM leaders in Kenya…he spoke at CCF last year) are there, but earlier in the week were restricted to Nairobi. Sunday they were to fly to some of the church areas where the unrest was greatest. When they arrived they found 1,260 people in a camp; removed from their homes. Over 1/2 were children. The conditions described are very bad. EMM is trying to collect $100,000 to send. So, CCF will be participating not only through prayer, but we will be taking up a special second offering this Sunday for this purpose.

The good news is…Pastor Nelson just told me that political leaders have met today and they are negotiating for peace. That may be taking a turn for the better, but the humanitarian needs still exist. Be praying!

(There is info on EMM's website if you click here.)

Swimming against the current

After arriving home last night, I am finding my self swimming against the current this morning. So many details to tend to and think about for this coming Sunday and next week. This has been a morning of "scratch one thing off the task list, add two!" Let me tell you what I am not doing. I am not complaining and I am not stressing. It always gets done somehow or another. I will just keep swimming. I need the exercise. Smile.



Today in one of our sessions, one of the table groups shared that we do not spend time together ENOUGH as the people of God. They made this statement that I thought was very true and insightful:

We do not see each other enough (as a people of God) outside of a context that has an agenda. Something powerful happens when we gather together with no agenda and allow the Holy Spirit to set the agenda.

Think about that. I thought that was good stuff. There is almost always an agenda. When is the last time that you gathered with people in the church just to be together? The early church may have done so regularly, even daily. No agenda, no purpose, no hurry. I am afraid that even in our families this is an issue. Are there times (often enough) that you are just WITH your family? No agenda, no activity, no purpose that caused you to join other than to be together. The Holy Spirit might just do some unique things if we experienced more non-agenda'd togetherness.

I miss Tricia and Davis. Can't wait to see them! Will be back late tonight.



Now that I have your attention, I just wanted to say hello!! Actually, the theme of this event is "Embodying Sexual Wholeness in a Broken World". We are having a great time so far. The topic, messages, discussions, and workshops are all geared around gaining a healthy and biblical approach to celebrating and expressing our sexuality to take back to our churches and minister to people more effectively. Good Stuff. The speaker just referenced a book entitled "The Sexuality of Nuns." Maye be one worth looking at. Smile.

Love to you from COLD Virginia.

Off to Virginia

Leaving in a few minutes for Harrisonburg, VA to attend a Conference called School for Leadership Training. It is hosted at Eastern Mennonite Seminary (one of our Denominational Schools). Pastor Nelson and I are going together. We will be back late Wednesday night. I am looking forward to gaining new tools and also looking forward to the time that Nelson and I will share together!

I am not sure whether I will pick up Internet access while I am away or not. If I do, I will holla at you when I check email. If not, I will be out of the blogosphere for the next few days.

--Much love and don't freeze out there!!

Something is Happening!

I am thankful this afternoon for what the Lord did in our midst this morning. First of all, If I would have felt the presence of the Holy Spirit any stronger during the last song of our Worship Set, you would have had to pick me up off the floor or else watched me run around the room! I felt it deep within me. Sometimes our worship evokes a physical response. Man, did I feel that today! Those words from the song "Sing to the King" are still in my head this afternoon.

For His returning we watch and we pray
We will be ready the dawn of that day
We'll join in singing with all the redeemed
'Cause Satan is vanquished and Jesus is King!!!

Thank God for the hope of eternity!!

I also want to thank the Lord for His presence during our message time. Sometimes I feel like I am just rambling and not sure that I am connecting or making sense. There is lots that I DON'T know. Welcome to leadership. But there are a few things that I do know. I do know that people are engaging these last few weeks!! There is eye contact and non verbal communication during this message series and especially this morning that is showing me that people are engaged with what is being shared. I am incredibly thankful for that. As a leader and a Pastor, I want so badly to cast vision that ends up settling deep into the hearts of people. 'Cause Vision is just a dream if people don't help live it into reality! I have to remind myself that I plant or water....God brings the increase! I will keep casting, planting and watering...God will move the hearts. He is so good at it after all!

I could type a long time today....my heart is full of joy for what God is doing in HIS church! But, I'll stop, because they say people don't like to read long blog entries (one of the things in my Dummies book). I will end with this and keep typing somewhere else, smile.

One last thing...

Mark my word: Something is happening at Capital Christian Fellowship right now! Something special. Something new. Something deeply spiritual. It won't all be a walk in the park, it will take patience and we may lose a few folks, but it will shape the future of this great fellowship in a way that we will never regret! I believe that one day we will look up and see a church packed with disciples who are loving God, loving people and making disciples! Write that in your book.


Weekends in the Blogosphere

So, check it out. I have been blogging since September. I have a monitor on my blog to monitor traffic. I have an idea of volume of unique hits to my blog each day/week. I try to find ways to increase my traffic. As a result, I have noticed several trends. Here is one of those things I noticed:

I don't write as much on weekends. And you don't read as much on weekends. Saturdays and Sunday usually have half the hits that Mondays- Fridays have. I am not sure whether I don't write because you don't read OR whether you don't read because I don't write. Either way, it is a reality.

...Just one of the things that I am learning as I become more acquainted with the Blogosphere.


A Kodak Moment; Davis in Concert

OK, here's the ham! He begged for the microphone all evening at the Southern Gospel Concert. Nothing is cuter than a 12 month old walking around the stage totally blabbing into the mic. I guess I couldn't deny that he's mine even if I wanted...and I don't! What a kid!

Oh, and I had him come up on the stage and talk to the crowd before I sang one of my numbers.

--Good Times!

Thanks to your prayers and the snow...

I am done my project!!!

The snow caused us to cancel our Executive Board Meeting last evening allowing me the extra time to finish up my work. It is all done now, baby! The feeling is so good!

Thanks for all of your prayers, comments and encouragement. I heard from several of you.

I got one email with this quote....so appropriate:

"If it weren't for the last minute, a lot of things wouldn't get done around here!"


Now, off to an extended sound check at the church for our Southern Gospel Concert (which is tonight at 7pm!)

The Disease of Procrastination

I am finishing up a Masters Degree project for one of my classes. I have to write a seminar that I could actually administer. It is due _____________ (embarrassed to tell you). I am in hiding today until I finish. I have been at it non stop for the last 3 hours and my head hurts already.

I just took a break to check email and to post this and tell ye who read this today to send one up for me!! ...to finish this assignment and to be healed from the disease of procrastination that haunts me academically. If it is church or ministry stuff, I will get it done early. If it is schoolwork....forget about it....until that day it is due.

--In need of divine intervention!

A good friend of mine encouraged me last night with these words: "Cursed are procrastinators among men!"

I missed my buddy!

I have worked too late for the last two nights. I saw my son less than 1 hour each night. As I was sitting in Panera today trying to finish up my message, I really missed my little buddy. I just wanted him! So I packed up and went to get him. We came home to hang out and play ball (his new favorite thing to do). I need some family time. I will work more after he goes to bed.

We are blessed that he sleeps 12 hours a night, but we hate that our evening with him is over at 7:30pm. At least we get Mommy and Daddy time. Being a parent has been so fun for us! Waiting on #2!

Getting Excited About Saturday!

This Saturday at 9am, everyone at CCF has been invited to meet at the church for a morning of discussion about our purpose, direction and future as a church. The majority of the morning will be spent around tables in small groups answering key questions and doing key exercises. Much of what we discuss will connect to our Sunday Messages over the past few weeks and in the weeks to come.

I am getting very excited to see who comes and to hear what they have to contribute. I am expecting some very good stuff to emerge from our time together.

This will be our first of many of these events!

Be praying!

Neat Idea About Church Growth...

Here is the kind of church growth we don't want:

Growth because...Lots of people coming and joining into membership with only a few of them connecting, embracing a shared purpose (if there is one) or being discipled.

Here is the kind of church growth we do want:

Growth because...The people you have (Jesus started with 12) are connecting, embracing a shared purpose, and being discipled and it influences many people who are unchurched or dechurched to join in and do the same (Jesus now has 2 Billion)!!

Relationship Weekend Details

I like to use my blog to share stuff that is fresh out of the oven. My hope is that it keeps you coming back. I appreciate that you are a reader. Let me share some more of the details of our upcoming Relationship Weekend.

Relationship Weekend!

Saturday, February 9th- Sunday February 10th!

Providing leadership for our weekend will be Dr. Ron Hall and his wife Linda. Dr. Hall and Linda have been married for 27 years and have three sons. Ron Hall is currently in his ninth year at Valley Forge Christian College serving as a full time faculty member and Church Ministries Chair. Prior to this he pastored and planted churches for eighteen years. Dr. Hall’s specialty is life and relationship development. His doctoral work surrounded relationships among individuals, families, Christians, non-believers and churches. He has worked with thousands of couples and students on relationship issues.

Saturday, February 9th:

9:30am-11:30am- Specific Session for Married Couples! Fresh tools and hope for a healthier marriage!

1:00pm-2:30pm- General Session on healthy communication and relationships. This is a session for all! Teaching will apply to relationships at home and at work!

7:30pm- Evening of Inspirational music with Trevor Hall, Acoustical guitarist (will post more details about Trevor and this event in a later blog)

Sunday, February 10th:

8:30am & 10:30am Morning Services, Dr. Ron Hall will be sharing a Biblical message on the theme of “Equipping for Healthy Relationships”

Also, there will be more music from Acoustical Guitarist, Trevor Hall in both morning services.

Look forward to YOU being a part of this special weekend! Start inviting people now! Direct them to my blog for now or plan to pick up a flyer for the event this Sunday!

The "Unmeasurables"

There are so many things in church ministry that cannot be measured by numbers and data. Those "unmeasurables" can sometimes leave you guessing and often a bit frustrated. Anytime we close out a calendar year, I am faced with the reality of the unmeasurables. Who grew spiritually? Who bought the vision? Who served one another more? Who loved one another more, etc.? These are among the many unmeasurables in ministry. Certainly, we will know by the fruit produced. But, I wouldn't recommend sitting around watching and waiting for the fruit grow. You might get a bit unmotivated. Remember, a watched pot never boils.

Here is why I share this...

It is so difficult to know whether people are tracking with and connecting with our new simplified purpose statement that I have been preaching on for the last few weeks. I see eyes that look engaged. I receive a note or comment here and there indicating commitment. That let's me know where 5-10 people are. And that's great! But, what about the other 300-400? Are they feeling it? This is another one of those unmeasurables that I am talking about! Will know in time. By fruit!

Lord, it is so incredibly important that we move in sync as a community at CCF! Unify us and rally us around the shared purpose of LOVING YOU and LOVING PEOPLE!!

Tired...but I would rather __________!

You fill in the blank for yourselves. What would you accomplish if you didn't have to sleep?

I am tired tonight! We walked the mall and the lake today. We exercised enough for 3 days...need to exercise enough for 300! I could so go to bed right now, but I would rather watch my second NFL playoff game of the day. Last night, I was tired, but I preferred to be with my girlfriend...until 3:00am!!! We stayed up like we had no sense!

Anyway, do you ever feel frustrated when you get tired? I mean, there is so much cool stuff we could accomplish if we didn't have to sleep. Such is life. And don't get me wrong, I love my sleep as much as the next guy. I hit snooze as many times as you do.
